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|Days later|


Today was the day we go to court to try and get full custody of Dino other baby. "You ready for this" he nodded and then we both got out the car. He got little man out then we walked into the court house. I felt so nervous for some reason. I guess I was scared, "Dino right" the lady asked and he nodded. She told us to follow her till we reached an office.

"Okay so before we do anything we will have to do a swab" the lady told him. Dino look confused "for what" "we always have so this especially when it's dealing with a child" he didn't respond he just nodded "we know this is your child but we have to keep some type of document saying so" she told him. I watched as she did the baby first and then Dino. She then put it in a little bag and then headed out the door.

I looked at the baby and to be honest I really didn't see Dino in him. I couldn't just point that out right now thoe. I looked at dino and I could tell he was stressed "baby" he looked up at me "you okay" he nodded "yeah just thinking that's all" he sighed before going back to staring out of space. I pulled my chair closer so I could rub his neck to keep him comfort.

"Okay" I looked up seeing the lady coming back in "so the results will be back in two days,we will call once they are ready" he nodded.

I held the baby as they went threw paper work and talked about this and that "okay another question if this baby doesn't turn out to be your what would you want to happen, the baby could be put for a-" the lady spoke "Nah this baby is mine and even if it wasn't I'm not sending him to no home, I got him" I could feel him grab my hand and squeeze it a little bit.

"Well okay then but that was everything for now, I will give you a call in two days regarding the results" he nodded then we got up and started to leave. All the way back to him apartment he was quite.

I had put the baby down for a nap then went in dino room with him. "Baby" he was laying across the bed on his stomach with his eyes closed, I got on top him and just cuddle him.

"Can you tell me what your thinking" I asked him. It was silent, they only thing you could hear was us breathing. "I don't know erica, just what if he ain't mine" he spoke. "I'm trying not to think about it but the more I do, the more I get stressed out and mad cause that bitch done left and had me thinking this was my son, had me doing all this shit and it might not be my kid" I could hear the anger in his voice and of course I was angry to and I wanted her head but this wasn't the way to go not now, we gotta be strong for them and even if baby boy ain't his kid we are not sending him away, he just going to be just like another one of my sons.

"Don't stress your self about it dino, I know your mad and I am to but we can't walk around mad at the world because of what is going on,if he is yours then we are going to get full custody if he ain't then will we just adopt that ain't no problem with me" I told him. I didn't want Dino's to feel alone about this, I had his back no matter what.

Without say anything he turned over so he could face me "and that why I love you for real, I know I've apologized before and I know your probably tired of hearing it but I miss you and the kids here baby,I just need you here with me like for real" I could tell by his face that he was serious as hell "I know and we are still working on that,give me a little more time and I'll figure it out okay" he nodded and then kissed my lips. He held me close to him for w while until we both fell asleep

 He held me close to him for w while until we both fell asleep

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