Chapter 7 ☼

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Seungmin hid as quickly as he could

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Seungmin hid as quickly as he could.

He was behind Hyunjin when the innocent guard bumped into him.

He was behind Hyunjin when Hyunjin slowly sliced the guards neck.

He watched as Hyunjin skipped happily, away from the guard.

Seungmin's eyes never showed this much fear before. "Fuck." he cursed.

"This mf doesn't have a frikin heart.!"


"So this is your room. You won't be able to communicate with your friends unless your master allows it." Jeongin said before leaving.

Seungmin nodded.

"Hey! Uh..wait, can I ask you a question?"

Jeongin nodded.

"Is..Hyunjin always like that?" Seungmin asked hesitantly.

Jeongin looked at Seungmin sympathetically. He knows both Hyunjin's and Minho's character. He has dealt with them before...thank god Chan was there for him Jeongin thought.

"He has always been like that...unfortunately."

Seungmin stiffened.

Jeongin faked a smile before he left.


"Erghh! why did I choose him. Actually why did I even want to choose anyone in the first place!" Seungmin groaned as he flopped himself onto his bed.

He stared at the ceiling as he thought about the events that had happened today.

"How the hell did this even happened?!" Seungmin questioned himself.

"What the fuck is that book anyways..." He wondered. He stood up and look at himself in the huge mirror that was located at the wall in front of him.

"Should I just deal with this until I finally die and get reborn or something? Judging by his actions a few hours ago, tomorrow will probably be my last day cos i'm not the type who likes to be bossed around..." Seungmin said to himself still looking at the mirror.

He sighed.

"I'll just get ready for bed or something.."


"Yo Minhooooo~ You in there?" Hyunjin shouted from the giant metal door that was located at the base of their so called palace.

"Yeah, just come in."

Hyunjin pressed the button which triggered the door to slowly open.

"Yikes, this place reeked of blood."
"Don't say it as if you're not used to it." Minho mocked.

Hyunjin just rolled his eyes. "So what were ye doin? How many people did ye killed? Did you kill that servant of yours already?"

"20, and nope I didn't."

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