Ch. 17

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    "Ready, Maisie?"
    "What if they don't like me?" The little girl looked up at him worriedly.
    "Maisie you have nothing to worry about." Hiccup smiled. "They are gonna love you."
    "But what if they treat me like everyone else at home did?"
    "They won't." Astrid said, kneeling down so Maisie might not feel so small. "I promise."
Maisie sighed anxiously and allowed Hiccup to pick her up. She wasn't used to being held by him yet, but she did like it. He was much taller so she could see things quite a bit better. She liked being able to see what was going on. And she felt safe with him, even though her heart still ached for her mother.
    Maisie's heart raced as they transferred from ship, to a brand new island. There were people everywhere. But instead of them all ignoring each other and walking idly by, she noticed these people looked friendly and talked with each other. Some even laughed or embraced one another.
    "Welcome to Berk, Maisie." Astrid smiled.
    "Berk." She repeated, the word leaving tingles on her tongue. She was so intrigued by this new island that for a little while, she forgot all about how much she missed her mother.
    They headed down a dirt path until they reached a big hut standing right in the center of the village. The Great Hall was not far off from it, sitting on the left side.
    "Woa." Maisie's eyes widened.
    "Do you wanna meet some kids your age?" Hiccup couldn't help but smile at her curiosity.
    Astrid walked inside first. She and Hiccup had decided it would be best if she prepared them for who they were going to meet. As soon as she stepped inside, Astrid was bombarded with hugs.
    "Mommy!! Nuffink, mom and dad are home!" Zephyr called as she clung to her mother. "Mom I missed you so much!"
    "I missed you too!" Astrid scooped her daughter up and covered her cheeks in kisses. Then Nuffink was seen descending the stairs.
    "There's my boy!" Astrid scooped him up as well, soaking up all the love. She hadn't liked being away from her children, and was very glad to be home.
    "Where's grandma?" She asked, noticing Valka wasn't there.
    "She had to go help Gobber with something." Nuffink said.
    "I see." She nodded. "Well, I have a surprise for you two."
    "Is that why daddy hasn't come inside yet?" Zephyr asked. \
    "Yep. You guys know how daddy and I went to help a little girl?"
    The children nodded.
    "Well...." Astrid wasn't sure how to tell them this in a soft manner, so she just said it. "The little girl's mommy died."
    Her children gasped and Zephyr covered her mouth with her hands.
    "Oh no.."
    Nuffink hugged his mom again, wanting to feel her arms around him. He didn't like the idea of mommies dying. "She must be really sad.."
    "She is very sad." Astrid nodded. But she's also your guys' age. She is very nice, and she is going to be staying with us for a little bit. I want you two to be nice to her, and look out for her. Can you do that?"
    "Yes!" They agreed in unison.
    "Alright, let's go outside and meet her."
    Astrid opened the door and the three of them walked outside. Hiccup was there, holding a nervous Maisie. Astrid took her so he could hug his kids.
    "Hi daddy!" Zephyr and Nuffink ran over to him, hugging tightly. But they weren't able to focus on him long. There was a new person to meet!
    Astrid set Maisie down, and the little girl waved at them. "H-hi."
    "Hello." Zephyr walked up to her and held a hand out. "I'm Zephyr, and this is my little brother Nuffink. He's pretty alright, for a boy."
    Maisie giggled and shook her hand. "My name's Maisie."
    "Do you wanna come play with us, Maisie?"
    She thought about it for a second, then looked at Hiccup.
    "Go on." He smiled. "Go have fun."
    And it was then that a deep bond formed. Maisie ran to the back with Zephyr and Nuffink, and she had never had so much fun in her life. They taught her the most wonderful games and Nuffink taught her how to make a mud pie. She didn't realize how long she had been playing with them until Astrid called them in for dinner. She looked towards the sky and the sun was already setting.
    The three children slumped inside, not wanting to quit their game. But then it came time to sit at the table, and a problem arose. Both Zepyr and Nuffink wanted to sit by Maisie.
    "I wanna sit next to Maisie!" Nuffink shouted as he pulled on the chair.
    "Well I was already going to, Nuff!" She pulled the chair her way.
    "Oh for goodness sakes!" Hiccup chuckled and pulled up another chair. "There. Now both of you can sit next to her."
    Astrid was relieved when Maisie began to eat. For one, she hadn't eaten since her mother. And for two, she wasn't sure how picky the little girl would be about food. But she seemed very happy at the moment.
    A little while later, everyone was finishing their food. Zephyr was now zooming around the house, grabbing her belongings for a sleepover with her best friend Freya.
    "I'm gonna take her over." Hiccup said as he stood from his chair, bending down and kissing Astrid's cheek. "Behave for your mother, Nuffink."
"Okay, dad! Bye, Zephyr." He waved at his sister.
"Goodbye, Zephyr." Maisie said.
Zephyr waved at the both of them as she walked out the door. "See you tomorrow!"
Astrid saw Nuffink's face fall as she and his father left. She made a mental note to talk to him before bed.
"Why don't you two play for a little while before bed?"
"Really?" Nuffink's face lit up at that. "Come on, Maisie!"
She leapt off her chair to follow Nuffink, both of them headed for the wonderful land that was the back yard.
It was bed time, and Maisie was nervous. She had never slept in a place that wasn't her room before. She was fine on the way up to the bedroom, fine while Astrid tucked her and Nuffink in, but as soon as she left, she got nervous.
"I'm scared."
"Me too." He sat up and stared at her. "It's scary in here when Zeph is gone." Nuffink crawled out of his bed and over to Zephyr's, which Maisie was sleeping in for the night. She scooted over to give him room, and they sat together.
"My mom told me your mom died..." Nuffink said quietly, not sure if he should be asking. "Is it true?"
"Yes." Maisie whimpered, her heart skipping a beat. "My mama died yesterday. So now.. I don't have a mama.. or a papa."
"Do you have a brother or sister?"
"Well..I'll share my mommy and daddy. And.. I'll be your big brother. And Zephyr can be big sister for both of us."

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