Midoriya "3": Wh-Where Are We?!

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     "Ahhh!!! T-Todoroki-kun you ok?!" I ask, stuttering. I looks at him looking up at me with his seemingly emotionless face.

He nods slightly and sits up, looking around. Then, he turns to me as I squat by his side still unsure if I should completely leave him on his own...

    "Do you know where we are?" He asks and I jump up and looks around and start to frantically pace and mutter to myself.

   "W-We could be in the woods by the camp... No, no, no, we would see markers and this is way too nice to be there.. We c-could be in another country... B-but why would a-a quirk just send you somewhere and not have any effect on you and even if that was that girls quirk we should still be in Japan but farther from the school- Oof!"

  I look up at Todoroki-kun instead of a tree. I was pacing and so lost in thought, that I bumped into Todoroki. I didn't even realize he was so close! I thought I ran into a tree!!!

   "Calm down, Midoriya. We'll figure it out together, no need to work yourself up about it." He reassures me. I nod and realize my hands are still in his chest, and push myself away feeling warmth rise in my face.

   "Midoriya do you see that?" Todoroki asks, pointing to the distance. I turn and see... ME?!?! Wait no- they have wings...

I walk cautiously towards to figure and Todoroki stops me, pulling me behind him.

  "Who's there?" He asks. The figure looked just like me with antennas and wings.

  "I-I'm Izuku M-Midoriya?" The figure stutters. My eyes grow wide.

  "B-But my name's I-Izuku Midoriya...." I say, my voice cracking. Another figure joins this look-a-like of me- And its a look alike of Todoroki-kun!!

   "Must be the work of that girl... She sends people here to get rid of them but it only takes a few days until a portal opens for them to escape. That is... If they want to leave." The other Todoroki says.

    "M-may I ask what you two are?..." I slightly tried to stand tall but since the other me was flying... I was the shortest here...

    "We are fairies. Or sprites if you want to consider the more professional term. But we all are different." The FAIRY Todoroki says.

   "I'm not quite understanding." Todoroki-kun states.

I think for a moment. That girls quirk must be 'Space Split'. Where the user of this quirk is able to make an opening threw worlds... But she was so yound that she couldn't form a doorway so if made a slit much similar to a crack.

But the effects of that quirk causes mental damage so she's either forgetting a lot, going crazy, or just doesn't have a hold of most conversations. But since this is her quirk I understand how we got here...

    "Well... I'll let Izuku explain." I pick my head up to the Fairy Todoroki saying my first name.

   "N-Not you. See, here we are called my our first names, while you guys go by your lasts." The other me explains.

I nod in understanding but try not to seem embarrassed for my mistake.

    "Anyways... The way we are different is... Well you can call them classes or segregational characteristics. Like Shoto and I for example! I'm a nature fairy and he's a weather one!" Izuku explains.

I tilt my head and ask, "do you have quirks?" I find it hard to believe that they go on with hardly much so I'm curious to their abilities.

   "Quir- oh! Your elemental powers in your world! I on one hand do not. But Shoto here-" just as Izuku says his friends name, he left side bursts to flames and his wings change.

From once was a pair of half silver and shaded red wings, to half sculpted in frost unable to be separated and blazing flames.

Even tho it was a sight to behold- I squeaked and ran behind Todoroki-kun. I feel so embarrassed... I dont do that but he caught me off guard.

   "Sorry for the fright." Shoto says, going back to normal. I step out from behind Todoroki and nervously smile.

    "N-No its fine... You just caught me off guard." I admit.

    "Well... What can you do Izuku?" Todoroki-kun asks. I'm sorta glad he isn't judging me...

   "O-oh! Right!" Izuku landed on the ground and placed a hand on it and trees bursted from the ground surrounding me and Todoroki-kun. I clap and look at Izuku realizing he's... EVEN SMALLER THAN ME!!

Then I started to take in their features. Izuku had a weath made of vines and small blue and white flowers, plus a peircing on his ears with silver hoops.

He wore a brown crop top and dark green shorts, and no shoes. His wings seemed to be made of little green emeralds and diamonds. But his freckles weren't like mine... He had a bit more and some glimored gold.

While his friend Shoto, had only jeans and a grey bag. His jeans had designs, like leaves and snowflakes, sewn into them. But his scar was different to. Where were black dots under it as if supposed to round it.

Other than that, Izuku wore a lot of bracelets and Shoto had a small cut taken from his right pointy ear.

   "Well since you're going to be staying here for a while.... I call the other wolrd me to bunk at my place." Izuku said to Shoto. My eyes grew wide and I turn to Todoroki, unable to make certain of what I just heard.

    "Then we must meet up at sunrise and help assure them of how they'll cope with our homes." Shoto says. And before I could protest Izuku holds his hand out and blows a Smokey substance at me.

I cough and wave my hands, only to become dizzy and fall to the ground. As my consciousness goes away I see Todoroki fight Shoto to get to me. I reach my hand towards him but everything goes Black.

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