In The Beginning

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Sydney walks into the bunker she hears Dean and Sam laughing as they both stare at Dean's computer.

"Are you guys watching porn or something, 'cause I can leave if you are" you boldly state while holding an armful of groceries. " Can you guys help a little?"

"No problem Sydney, what did ya get?" Sam asks with a cheeky grin.

"Hey Syd, did you get me any pie?" Dean says with a wink. "And did you get cherry or apple?"

She sets down the brown paper bags full of food, you reply back "Apple, Dean, I know its your favorite".

Sam came around to help you put the groceries up while Dean starts to dig into his pie.

"Hey! I was going to cook tonight so don't eat all of that pie!" she giggles.

He was already about a fourth of the way done with his pie when Sydney stopped him. The gentle flutter of wings could be heard as Cas appeared behind Dean making him jump and accidentally knock his pie on the ground.

"Dammit Cas! Why do you have to do that when I'm eating pie! Come on man."

Sydney and Sam laugh as she finishes putting up the food. She bends over to place the dish soap under the sink.

"Hello Sydney, Hello Dean" Castiel chirped "Dean, why are you staring at Sydney's backside?"

She was wearing tight yoga pants, not-so-white Vans and a loose, old Led Zeppelin shirt that Dean used to wear.

"No Cas I wasn't, I was- argh".


It was hard for Sydney not blush because she had a crush on the older Winchester ever since she met him on a salt-and-burn 10 years ago. Sam offered to take her in after he learned she had no more family and no where to live. Dean quickly agreed because, he too, had developed a crush on her.

"Hey Dean," Sam teases "why don't you keep your eyes up here instead of on Sydney's ass".

That made Dean blush furiously.

"I'm just going to go to my room while you guys finish dinner." Dean said as he walked to his room flustered.

" Wow, I can't believe Sydney doesn't notice that he likes her. She must really not be good at picking up hints" Sam chuckles to Cas " I am surprised she is a hunter. You have to pick up hints" Cas replies back confused.


That night Sydney cooked steak and mashed potatoes. The boys ate up.

"Damn girl, you can grill up a mean steak" Sam says with a mouthful of your homemade garlic butter mashed potatoes, "Dean, what did you think?"

"Huh, what?" Dean surprisedly replies while shoveling his last bits of steak into his mouth.

"Eating like that, you look like a pig " a quiet, but deep, voice chimes from the other side of the table. Everyone turns to look at little ol' Cas quietly eating, and burst out into laughter. The teasing lasts all dinner. Poor Dean you think to yourself. That poor little baby. Ugh he is so cute when he's flustered. She's noticed that Sam and Cas have been teasing Dean more often and shakes it off and think It's just a guy thing. He would never fall for a girl like Sydney. But could he?


" I'm gonna hit the sack" Dean announces as he puts his plate in the dishwasher.

"Same" Sam chirps.

"There are no sacks in the bunker except for the salt, why would you sleep on the salt Dean?" Castiel asks nonchalantly.

"Just go to bed Cas" Dean says tiredly. Its 10:00 so you head to your room. Your favorite TV show usually comes on close to this time so you turn on the TV. It goes straight to the channel but the host is not the same.

"Sydney! It's so great to see you! How has my favorite OTP been you and my Deanie-Weenie?" You just stare in shock as you see that mischievous little trickster.

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