WTF Winchester

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"Dean, what are we going to do now?" Sydney frowns.

"Sydney, honestly, I don't know hun. I just really need Gabe or Cas to get either of their feathery asses down here."

Dean is still on his knees with his hands to his mouth. She couldn't control her emotions anymore and just starts to cry. I'm really glad that I'm wearing waterproof mascara she thinks to herself Wow I would end up looking like Kim Kardashian crying if I didn't. I guess that was one good thing that happened today.

And then it hit her. 

"Hey Dean."

"Yeah Sydney?"

"Isn't there an angel luring symbol or potion thingie that we can make?"

"Yeah, It's the Horn of Gabriel. Metatron used it for Gadreel to lure angels and kill them."

Now that they have some sort of plan, Sydney and Dean start their research.


"Hey Sydney, check this out. Its this website called and it knows who we are! Freaky huh?"

She walks over to where Dean is laying on the bed on his stomach with the nice MacBook in front of him and she sits beside him while lightly stroking his back. He's always been very tense but he seems tighter than he usually is. With that you start to massage his shoulder blades.

"I guess thats what Gabriella was talking about you being an actor and such. Look! Your character's name is Dean. What a weird coincidence. I would even call it... supernatural."

Sydney works her way down to his lower back muscles. Now she is using the palms of her hands to rub up and down his back without distracting him.

"First of all Sydney, that was a really bad joke. And second of all, yeah that is weird. I mean they have all of the info from everything we have ever hunted or learned about. I wish we had this in our universe. This is way easier than looking through books."

"You know you love doing research Dean," she says sarcastically seductive "Especially when-"

He sits up and they both giggle at her really bad 'sexy' voice for a couple minutes before he pulls her into a kiss. It's not like the first one where is was all passion and need and want, but more free and open. He pulls her lower lip gently between his teeth making her lips part. His tongue enters and massages hers without being too forceful. Dean brings his hand up to cup her cheek and he starts lightly rubbing his thumb back and forth against her cheek. She gasps lightly when he pulls his lips away from hers.

"Baby, you know I could kiss you for the rest of my life but we should really figure where we can get the ingredients to make this sigil."

"I'll get you back Winchester." she winks sexily.


"De, what we need is: blood, griffin feathers, and the bone of a fairy. Where in the hell are we going to get those things."

"Well hun, I have no idea, but maybe, we could check the black market or something."

"Dean, I'm not going to let you sell any of your organs on the black market for some wings and fairy parts."

"At least I gave it a shot. Oh well. Maybe we can check the non-black market." he giggles as he types in the ingredients to google.

He's laying back down on the bed but with his back on the bed and his feet up against the wall and headboard.

"Wow, Cas is right, you are pretty bendy." you say with a smirk.

"You know it Syd. Maybe I can show you a thing or too when we get back to our universe. I'd say we could do it right now because you are outta this world."

"Okay, now you got me back with the bad jokes." she kinda snort-giggles and then she sees something pop up on her computer "Dean, look at this! Some idiot is selling these as a bundle on EBay. The bidding starts at $100,000. Thank God this Jensen guy is rich."

"Your right. Wait, the price went up to $175,000." he says shocked  "QUICK BID IT BEFORE WE LOSE IT. I WANT TO HAVE SEX WHEN WE GET BACK TO OUR UNIVERSE. AND I WANT IT NOW"

"Calm you man tits Deanie-Weenie, I'm trying my best." Sydney says as she playfully punches his shoulder.


{flashback to the current supernatural universe}

What the hell. Where is Jensen? What is this place? Where is this place? It smells like gunpowder and beer. Lots of beer. And hamburgers too. Am I in some kind of a restaurant? Sydney thinks to herself 

She stands up and her feet hit the cold concrete floor. 

"Jensen? Baby? Are you here? I don't know where I am and I'm scared." she yells out and look around.

No reply.


"SYD IS THAT YOU?" you hear his faint voice yell. "SYDNEY WHERE ARE YOU BABY? I DON'T KNOW WHERE IM AT"

She walked out of the room she was in and then follows his voice down this brick hall until it gets louder. She sees him standing, still in his plaid blu-and-black pajamas, at the end of the hall and you run up and hug him.

"Jay, do you know where we are?" she asks.

"It looks like the bunker from the set but actually real." Jensen replied shocked

"But why? Why are we here? And HOW? It makes no sense."

"It actually kinda does make sense but this is going to sound weird Sydney..."

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