But How?

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"Well fuck. Why does it have to come to this. I thought I could actually be happy for once in my life" you grumble.

Gabriel strides cockily through the doorway as Dean turns to you with a reassuring look.

"It's alright baby, we will find a way. We'll get through this" he pauses a moment and turns to Gabriel "Why are you here?"

"Well, I just came to stop by to tell you that you've learned your lesson. I'm just here to take you back to you guys' universe."

A warm feeling of relief washes over you as you wrap you arms around Dean and hold him tight. Gabe his hands on Dean's head and your head. The familiar feeling teleporting profoundly came over you and Dean.


You are back sitting on your bed just as you had been the night before when you were talking to Gabe through the TV. Something is wrong though. It just doesn't feel right. You have a weird queasy feeling and you feel anxious. What is there to be anxious about? You are back in your room at the bunker with Dean and Sam? What is so wrong about this?

You go to confront Dean and he has the same weird feelings as you. You and him try and look around the bunker for Sam. You can hear Dean's footsteps pacing up and down the bunker halls as you check the rooms. After about an hour you both meet up in the bunker's kitchen when you see Dean making a sandwich. I swear that man is always hungry.

"Y/N, have you found him? I called all of his disposables and he didn't answer any of them. I'm starting to get worried." he says as he stuffs his face with a leftover steak sandwich.

"Something doesn't seem right, I have this really bad headache and I feel nauseous. That never happens when I get teleported... I hope Sam is okay."


After about another hour of searching, you still can't find Sam at all. It's 3 am and you and Dean decide to go to sleep. 



"FUCK" Dean hollered, "Dammit that hurt ... wait ... we don't have wood floors in the bunker."


Here. Why do we always end up here?  I wake up to Dean rolling off of the bed and falling on the floor. It was funny but it wasn't in the bunker. We are back in that other alternate universe that Gabriel sent us to. But why? He said we learned our lesson. So my question is why?

Dean turns on the TV downstairs and sits on 'our' couch. It switches to the local news channel. I quickly come down the stairs. This house just doesn't feel right and I don't feel right being in it. I see him and he looks like someone punched him in the gut. He has his hands around his mouth and he looks like he's about to cry.

"What is it De-"

"Look" he points to the screen. On the large LED TV was Sam's picture.

In the distance you hear the blonde news anchor state:

"Mr. Jared Padalecki has been missing for over 48 hours now. Why you ask? Nobody knows. If you have any information or where Mr. Padalecki has last been seen please contact your local police or report it to our tip-line at 1-800-TIPS. Thank you for your time and let's hope Mr. Padalecki is safe."


"Oh my god. Maybe it links to Sam missing?" you choke out. You are trying so hard not to cry but the tears start flowing.

Dean comes over and holds you in his arms and he wipes your tears away.

"That's actually a really good idea Y/N. Maybe that's why we couldn't find Sam at the bunker"

"I think it has to do with Gabe's teleporting powers. If something happens here, then maybe it reciprocates to our 'universe'"

Dean smirks and praised back "Damn Y/N, you are a genius. I'm glad I fell in love with you and not a dumb blonde" as he strokes y/h/c and places a kiss on your forehead.

"How do we get back Dean? I wonder if Cas can hear us. Dean, he listens to you more than me so you should give it a shot."

"Okey dokey. I'll give it a shot."

"I like you, you say okey dokey." you blush

Dean gets down on his knees and starts to pray.

"Cas," he says in his gruff voice "If you have your angel ears on, please tune in. One of your brothers, the asshole trickster, has trapped us in this weird universe and Sam is missing in both of them. If you can, please send Gabriel down here."

You wait. And you wait a little longer. And maybe a little more after that.


An hour later.

Still. Nothing.


How are we ever going to get out of here

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