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Chapter Six

Thoughts of Rylan swirled around in my head as I walked through the complicated maze of the base. I didn’t know whether to feel mad at myself or Rylan. I’d straight up told him I wouldn’t accept him. Yet his actions indicate he’s either clueless about what I want, or he doesn’t care about what I want. I highly doubt it’s the former. He’s shown he can be just like any other possessive and dominating male. Yet he’s also shown that he might possibly care about me and respect me as a person. I needed to figure out what his intentions are.

Then there was me. I knew what I stood for. I wasn’t going to let anyone get under my defenses. He could act all he wanted, and I needed to stay strong. I shouldn’t have done the “date” thing. I should have simply left the cabin around lunchtime, come to the base, and worked out my issues here. Yet I’d even gotten ready for the “date” thing. I’d known this guy for a total of twenty-four hours and he was already pushing at my resolve to deny him.

I went to the cafeteria and glanced around. Considering it was dinner time, I couldn’t even find an empty seat. I walked along the edge, avoiding the large clusters of people. The line for food was long enough to curb and the noise level was starting to give me a headache. Making my way to the table I knew I’d find Gracie, I made eye contact with Margo. Her expression turned hard and she turned her head as if she’d merely glanced at a spot on a wall. That woman was beyond irritating.

Gracie wasn’t at the table, but Daniel was. He gave me a wave when he saw me and motioned me over. I quickly went over.

“Hey, I thought you had guard duty today,” I said. All men and women over the age of eighteen were required to work to earn their stay at least three days in the week. Daniel worked for both his father and him, considering his father was having major issues right now. It was tough on Daniel, and it was hard to catch him at the cafeteria.

“I did this morning and afternoon. They had enough people that I was able to take the rest of the day off.” He was currently eating what appeared to be meatloaf.

Grabbing a vacant chair from another table, I sat down across from him. “Have you seen Gracie?”

He shook his head. “I think she’s helping at the child care room. Why?”

“Nothing, it’s not important.”

He gave me a knowing look. “What is it?”

I gave a frustrated sigh. “I promise you that it’s nothing. I’m just a little tense. I was hoping she could provide a distraction.”

He chuckled. “After I finish eating I have to check up on my dad. But after that I’m all yours.”

“Don’t worry about it. I know how busy you are. You should enjoy your free night,” I tried convincing him. I knew he could get the truth to come out if he pressed hard enough. He knew me too well.

“Nonsense.  It’s my free night and what better way to spend it than with a dear friend?”

I gave him a tight smile.

After he finished eating, I waited for him outside of the base. The base was hidden by a waterfall. We’d made accommodations so we wouldn’t get wet coming in or out. A small lever made a large, flat piece of wood divide the water. A few discrete stepping stones were placed along the small river to make it to dry land. Shoes would get wet, but it was better than getting soaked from head to toe. After leaving the base, and coming to the base, one had to carefully hide their tracks. A few people were constantly in charge of getting rid of scents with an odor neutralizer so werewolves in their wolf forms wouldn’t track us here. They were also in charge of making sure people covered up their tracks.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2014 ⏰

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