I'm with you all through😊

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Sometimes we go through a lot, we pretend to be strong and yet in the middle of the night we crumble and fall, we sob because there is no one to see us, and nobody to judge us or throw their pitiful glances around. We see our walls breaking down, when the world is asleep we pretend that it's all okay. We wake up the following morning and feign happiness, make it seem like the night was as smooth as it could ever be. We sham happy because we don't want to be looked at as frail we are so afraid to show the fragile side of us. But here's what you should know! It's actually okay to have a tough time, it's only a bad day not a bad life! It's okay to tell someone about how you feel, it's okay to show that you can be feeble sometimes. Tell someone about it. And you're certain to find some help. You matter. And someone out here  loves and cares for you. Don't let your struggle define you.
                                         Prudence Lodou♥️

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