Ch5: out of respect

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Three months passed after the incident with police officer. Vic and Ripley had few days until their wedding. Robert and me? We were still a secret but we decided to date. I moved out of my childhood home. My father was now dating Reggie and she came there often for a "sleepover". Vic and I found a place together- but now I needed other solution since she was about to get married and move in with Chief Ripley. But not today- today was really special day, my 30th birthday. I decided not to make a big deal out of birthday party. I invited Ripley and Robert over at Vic and my place. I was preparing dinner and Vic got decorations and cake covered.

"What are you cooking, Andrea?" My best friend asked imitating my father's voice. I laughed.
"Vic! Stop! You are scaring me. And I'm preparing lasagnas, salad and steak of course. American cuisine has to be everywhere."
"Okay- okay, I'm already hungry. Plus, your cake is covered and decorations. Everything is emerald colour including your tight silk dress."
"What- no. I told you I don't want to dress up-"
"Come on! It's your birthday. Also I cannot believe you and Robert are dating for months and still haven't done it."  She laughed.
"Agh! Victoria, stop commenting on my sex life. We just want it to be special." I replied chopping salad.
"Ha-ha, never. Also, today is your special day and special time for Robert to give you special g-i-f-t."
She said messing with me.
"You remember he is your chief?"
"Yep- but I'm also marrying his chief in several days sooo- it doesn't really matter. Now, finish this and go take a shower. Get ready. Be that hot latina."
I shook my head no.
"I'm always a hot latina."
Vic left me to finish dinner. When I was done I followed her instructions and took shower, applied makeup and put on that emerald dress she chose for me. And damn right, it suited me perfectly. I was more than sure Robert will love it. Much more than I did. Vic also dressed up. She chose emerald suit and when our men came they were dressed in black. Ripley first came in and congratulated me. I thanked him giving him a hug just before Vic dragged him to the living room for a "quick chat".
I looked at Robert closing the door behind him. I was admiring his beauty. He was wearing black jeans and black shirt. It really looked good on him.
"Where is my Birthday Girl?"
He said pulling me into a tight hug. I inhaled his perfect cologne. I didn't want to let go at first but then I had to.
"Hey. I missed you. Now my birthday can start."
I chuckled kissing him on the lips.
"Oh, is that so? Alles gute zum Geburtstag, Andrea."
"Vielen dank, schatzi." I tried speaking German but my accent was terrible. He comforted me with a long soft forehead kiss. Kiss which shows respect, affection, love and value.
"So, this will be a dinner for four?" He asked.
"Yes. I didn't want anything big. After the cake Vic told me she and Ripley have some plans together. So I am going to be left alone, unless you know- you stay with me?"  I explained looking up at his eyes.
"Of course, beauty. I'm not leaving you. Not unless your dad comes here and jinx it."
We laughed.
"Well- Let's hope not. Come on, let's go to the kitchen."  I took him by hand leading him to the kitchen.  I caught him staring at me with admiration.
I smirked.
"Love what you see?"
"I'm amazed, Andrea. You are so gorgeous." He whispered tucking part of my hair behind my ear and bit my earlobe softly. He sent shivers down my spine.
"M-mhm." Was the only thing I could say. This man was like a drug- addicting.  I ran my hand up and down his back, giving him several back rubs. He had his one hand around my waist.
"Food will g-get cold." I said as I was enjoying his kisses now on my neck. He stopped.
"Oh? Is that so? Then we can finish this off- later."
"Believe me we definitely will finish this later." I chuckled pecking his lips and taking a seat down by the table. He joined me.
"Victoria! Food will get cold! Bring your ass over here!" I shouted and Robert laughed now opening wine bottle.
"Just that you know I helped Luke to choose a gift for you." He explained.
"Really? But you guys didn't have to. It was more than enough just to have you around."
He smiled and intertwined his fingers with mine.
"How are you feeling, Robert? About everything."
"Hm. That is good question. I would really to take my girlfriend to Bali and spend magical few days of my vacation there with her. Drinking dozens of cocktails out of a coconut. Enjoying sunset and sunrise together as I hold her in my arms.Exploring the island and you know having a lot of sex."
He said with a smirk. I chuckled.
"But you know- the department. It would be more than obvious if you and I took a vacation at the same time. Including a fact that you never take personal days. Other than that- I am nervous about that court hearing with officer Cassidy. But we won't talk about it now."
"No, Robert. I told you I want you to talk to-"
He stopped me with a kiss.
"No, sh- shush." I returned the kiss taking a mental note to definitely talk with him first when we stay alone before doing anything else. No matter how much I wanted this man, on my list love was always first before lust. 
I could hear my best friend shouting as she let someone in the apartment. Robert and I quickly moved apart.
Vic and Ripley walked in followed by no one else than my father.
Robert was shocked and immediately felt nervous. Same as I did.
"D-dad? Hey what are you doing here?"
I stood up and greeted him.
"I thought I could visit my daughter for her birthday party. Wait- is it only four of you here?" He said glancing around the room, realising it was Vic and Ripley who were engaged and he knew that and Robert and me.
"Yes. It's four of us, dad. I got in a fight with Maya." I tried to bail myself out but that ship has sealed.
"You two are a couple? Huh. Well- thanks for informing your father, Andrea."
"No- dad, we. Chief Sullivan- I.."
Robert then interrupted.
"Sir, please have a seat. There is something I would like you to know. Andy, you too." He basically ordered so both of us listened and sat down. Vic and Ripley joined us.
"I'm listening." Said Pruitt Herrera.
"It is true. I'm in love with your daughter. We're-"
"We're in love, dad. For a really long time." I interrupted Robert now taking his hand in mine as both of us looked at my father who was sitting opposite of us.
"I would like to ask you- for your approval, sir. Am I allowed to date your daughter? Both of us are aware of the rules and everything but I am ready for anything- just, just to be with her. And I want your approval and blessing, out of respect sir."
Robert asked now looking down at my eyes. His look was full of pure love. I smiled. Pruitt Herrera remained silent before he coughed and spoke up.
"What's your plan?" He directed this question to Robert.
"I'm going to request a transfer to another battalion."
"Wh-what? Another battalion? No." I was mumbling.
Pruitt nodded.
"Good catch, son. You have my blessings. And I saw my daughter being so happy like she was never before. I am glad to see her like that and I want it to remain like that, are we clear, Sullivan?"
"Yes, Captain Herrera. Understood. Thank you so much."
"You may kiss the bride now-"  Joked my best friend and bursted into laughter. Followed by all of us. Robert kissed me gently. I smiled and enjoyed it to the fullest. He was the first man to ask my dad for approval and blessings. He was the first one who shown how much respect he has for me and my father. Like I said, he was different than anybody before. He was real man. Others were boys.
We proceeded through the dinner to the cake and champagne. My birthday party was mix of laughter, joy, awkwardness and tears of happiness and gratitude.  I was so grateful to have these people around by my side.

to be continued...
Robert and Andy's special night should be described in the next chapter.

-xoxo. Love ya! Thanks for reading.

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