Oh to ache again (WillxGeorge)

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772 words

Will wasn't used to feeling nothing. In fact, he was the most emotional of his friends, always laughing or crying about something. No matter how small something seemed to other people, it meant something much bigger to Will. That changed when George left.

It was an early morning in July, the 28th if Will remembered correctly, although he wasn't entirely sure as he had almost blocked out all the memories of that day. All he knew was that he woke up to an unusually empty bed, cold in the spot where George would usually lay like Will's personal heater. George had always felt much warmer in the nighttime.

Next to the bed, on the nightstand, was a note. A note saying that George couldn't be with Will anymore. A note saying he had packed his things and gone to stay with Alex for a while. Will called George's phone yet received no answer. He tried maybe six or so times before trying Alex's phone instead.

Alex, however, did pick up. Will remembered Alex telling him over the phone that George was with him and would be for a while. The note was right. George had left Will. Will hung up.

Skip forward to December. Its a Saturday evening and Will is watching the rain outside his window. In his hand, is a pen. In front of him, on his desk below the window, is a small journal, the cover made of faux leather, and the lined pages slightly yellow in colour.

Since George left, Will had turned to any kind of coping mechanism he could think of, the one that stuck was writing. In his journal, Will would write poems and diary entries and small fantasy stories where George came back to save him from this nightmare he had been living.

Will finishes the line of the poem he is writing, staring down at the page, barely able to comprehend the scribbled words.

"Oh to ache again
To feel the burn of the sun on my skin
On sunny summer days

Oh to ache again
To feel the frostbite in my fingers
On cold December mornings

Oh to ache again
To feel your hand's tight grip around mine
On days when you're most anxious

Oh to ache again
To feel your lips graze mine
On quiet evenings in April

Oh to ache again
Oh to ache again
Oh to ache again"

He frowns and adds two words to the top off the page and another three to the bottom.

"Dear George,

Oh to ache again
To feel the burn of the sun on my skin
On sunny summer days

Oh to ache again
To feel the frostbite in my fingers
On cold December mornings

Oh to ache again
To feel your hand's tight grip around mine
On days when you're most anxious

Oh to ache again
To feel your lips graze mine
On quiet evenings in April

Oh to ache again
Oh to ache again
Oh to ache again

Love from Will"

He tears the page from the book and folds it. For a moment he considers sending it to George in the mail before realising that would most likely make George hate him more than he already did.

Will stands from his chair, trodding to the bathroom where he washes his face and stares in the mirror for a few minutes too long. He starts to wonder how George is doing these days. He goes back to his room and sits on his bed, pulling up the youtube app on his phone.

He looks up George's channel name, memeulous, and clicks on the first video to appear. Alex and George are sat together on the screen, Alex in his usually pink hoodie and George in his black one. Alex stared at George for longer than Will would like him to.

Thats when he stands from his place on his bed and rummages through some drawers in search of an envelope. He finds one. The page he ripped from his journal is still on the desk. Well, it is, until its in the envelope. Will writes an address on it and finds a stamp to put in the corner.

He puts on some shoes and a jacket and leaves his flat. He ends up a few streets down, at postbox in front of him. Before he has time to reconsider, he places the envelope into the slot on the front of the box. He goes home. The letter arrives at Alex and George's shared flat a few days later. George recognises the handwriting on the envelope as Will's.

George doesn't open it.

A/N The writing style in this is different from my usual style, its purposeful though. The short sentences and little ammount of descriptives are there for a reason. I hope you guys liked it though, its a little out of my comfort zone for what I prefer to write but I kinda like it I guess.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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