Proud of you (GeorgexAlex)

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565 words

Alex looks away from his computer screen for the first time in hours, running his hands down his face. He sighs and takes a sip from his now cold coffee, wincing in disgust at the taste of it when it reaches his tongue. He turns in his chair, clicking his back in the process before stretching his arms and yawning loudly. A groan escapes his mouth as he stands from his chair, picking up the nearly empty coffee cup and a plate that had been abandoned on his desk hours before. The young male steps over the hoodies that have been discarded over his floor as he leaves his bedroom, making his way into the kitchen.

George is in the kitchen, a butter knife in his hand and a half-made sandwich in front of him. The older, yet shorter, of the two watches as the other pours the last of the coffee down the sink, noticing how dark the bags under his eyes are. George stops making his sandwich to watch Alex throw away the coffee cup and begin to wash the plate. Alex's eyes are bloodshot and almost teary, the corners of his mouth are downturned, creating a pitiful look on his face. As the younger washes the plate, George wraps his arms around Alex's waist, surprising him in the process. Alex allows himself to relax into his boyfriend's touch, fighting back the tears that threaten to spill.

"I'm proud of you." George strokes Alex brunette fringe, earning only a hum in response. "You work so hard, baby. I'm so so proud of you, love. So proud."

Alex turns off the tap and dries his hands, turning around to face his boyfriend with a tear-stained face. He allows himself to be pulled into a tight hug, quiet sobs leaving his pink lips as George rubs his back with one hand and strokes his hair with the other. The older starts to sway their bodies slightly, attempting to comfort the crying male.

"I know, I know. Let it out love, I'm here. Its okay, Alex, you're okay." He places his right hand under Alex's chin, lifting it slightly so the younger boy is looking at him instead of the tiled floor they are standing on. His lips briefly meet his boyfriend's, which are now wet from the tears that had covered his face. 

"I love you." Alex's voice is slightly broken and cracks as he speaks for the first time in hours. He sniffles and wipes his face with the sleeve of the pink hoodie he's wearing.

"I love you too, Alex, so much." A smile sits on George's lips as he stares at his boyfriend before kissing him once more. "Let's go lay down for a while, you're tired hun."

"But your sandwich, aren't you hungry?" Alex looks down at the floor, not wanting to be the reason George doesn't eat anything.

"It's okay love, I can eat later, I'm not even that hungry. Don't worry, okay? Let's just go lay down and have a little nap. Sound good?" All that he gets in response is a small nod before they make their way into George's room. The two of them get under the covers of George's bed and George pulls Alex's skinny frame closer to him. He wraps his arms around the fragile boy and kisses him gently. "Go to sleep now, love."

"I love you, Georgie."

"I love you too, Al."

A/N This is my first oneshot, please don't bully me if it's bad. Also, if anyone wants to follow my Instagram, please do. It's @ Georgeis5foot3 

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