Author's note

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So, welcome everyone! I just want to thank y'all already for adding this to your libraries and for reading! It means a lot.

Cookies for you all!!!!!

First, let me say this. If you've read my previous book I'm soo sorry for not finishing but that's not the case with this one.

I've been working on this for over a year. I think my writing has improved...sort of... maybe... idk, but I hope you all enjoy the lives of Danica and Heidi and everyone in between. I'm curious to know what you think about this book. it really means a lot to me. <3

Also..... updates will kind of be irregular cause my work schedule is crazy and I'm honestly lazy and forgetful but I'll try my best.

Also #2... please vote and comment. That let's me know you guys enjoy the story and encourage me to continue writing.

Also #3... the first couple chapters are a bit long. I know. I'm sorry. they get shorter I promise.

Well, don't let me keep you any longer.

Dive in!!!!

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