Author's Page

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Hello everyone and welcome to my Paul Cracker X Reader! My friends and I thought it would be a good idea to write this out, the story and plot are by me but the idea was introduced by LinkleDawson  with help my friend Vincent
I'd just like to state that this story is all genderbent, meaning:
Murdoc is Mudra Niccals
2D is Stella "2D" Pot
Russel is Rosie, short for Rosaline Hobbs
Noodle is (still) Noodle (just a dude)
And Paula Cracker is Paul Cracker
Paul will be 23.
Reader is 22.
The reader is female, so She/Her pronouns.
This will be my first and last Author's note on this story so continue reading at your own risk. If there's anything I believe must be said it will be in the comments.
Trigger warnings will be at the very beginning of any 'chapter' with sensitive topics.
This story tackles many themes we see in the world and this story, nor do I, support such things.
I'll be adding in songs at the top, they won't follow anything in the story, they're more like the songs that have motivated me to keep going with the story! I do suggest you give them a listen in your spare time though!
There will be no smut in this, maybe mildly suggestive but that's it.
Also, curse words will be slightly censored, it is a personal decision.
I will try and be consistent but I can only think and write for so long. I am also open to criticism, just please do so in the comments!
Some other things to know:
Y/N is Your Name
L/N is Your Last Name
N/N is your Nickname
F/C is Favorite Color
F/F is Favorite Food
E/C is Eye Color
H/C is Hair Color
H/L is Hair Length
Again, cover art is by me!
Anyways, I hope you enjoy this fan fiction!

𝔐𝔦𝔰𝔲𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔱𝔬𝔬𝔡 ~Gorillaz Paul Cracker x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now