Chapter 1

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    The wind whistled, blowing the leaves in the treetops high above. It was a cold November evening, approximately 11:30 pm. The moon above was partially covered by some clouds. A few twinkling stars littered the sky, only a few thousand. I, on the other hand, was lying on the ground. I was passed out for a few hours but jerked awake, hearing a twig snap somewhere nearby. Blood pounded in my head. I had a massive headache. I felt a bump on my head, probably the size of an egg. There was a huge bruise as well. I slowly sat up, looking around. I couldn't really see anything, as it was so dark, but I definitely knew I was outside. I looked at my clothes, which were caked in mud and something...yellow? I'm pretty sure it was vomit. Now I had two questions. Where was I, and why was puke all over my clothes? I looked at my shoes, and noticed I only had one on. 

    "Okay, that's weird..." I tried looking around in the darkness, and spotted my other shoe a few feet away. I gingerly scratched my head in mere confusion. I slowly stood up, stumbling a bit. I carefully made my way over to the shoe, and was about to bend down and grab it, when a twig snapped somewhere to my right. I jerked my head to attention, but saw nothing move. I looked back, and my shoe was gone! Something made a noise to my left now. I looked, and something jumped out at me. I screamed, turned, and ran. 

    I ran as fast as I possibly could, my breath becoming more shallow by the minute. I quickly approached what looked to be a small garden shed. I threw open the door, almost sending it flying off its hinges. I ran inside and slammed the door, bolting it shut. I doubled over, wheezing, trying to catch my breath. Whatever was chasing me, slammed into the closed door. They must have ran at it full force. They started hitting the door, trying to get inside. I stumbled backwards, pushing my back against the wall. I just wanted desperately to get out of there. Suddenly the pounding stopped. I pushed away from the wall, taking light footsteps towards the door. I spotted a shovel, and grabbed it for defense. I quietly unlocked the door, and with a burst of adrenaline, threw the door open, running out, waving the shovel around. The strange creature - whatever it was - was nowhere in sight.  

    I walked backwards into the shed, looking around me fearfully. I was afraid whatever chased me was going to come back and kill me. I got into the shed, and quietly closed the door, not bothering about locking it this time. I sat down on the floor between a wheelbarrow and some fertilizer. I tried to get as comfortable as possible. All I had on was a sweater, t-shirt, jeans, and the one shoe. I needed to be as warm as possible if I wanted to last through the night. After what seemed like an hour, I finally drifted off...

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