The Second Apartment

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I walk through the apartment and in the living room, there is a tv going. I now understand why I saw light beneath the door. There is no electricity within the apartment but something within these walls is powering it. I watch the screen for a few minutes and it appears to be playing a home movie. The family on the screen appears to be hosting a birthday party in the kitchen for one of their children.

For a minute everyone is smiling and singing to a little girl on her birthday but things change drastically. Normally, what I see on the screen would make me scream in terror but within these walls, I feel emotionless. The little girl suddenly takes the knife from her mother who is getting ready to cut the cake and she begins to attack her family with it. They try to stop her but she is unstoppable. At the end of the video, she puts the bloody knife on the table and begins to eat the cake with her bare hands. 

The tv suddenly goes off without warning and I am left with no light. I turn my flashlight on and something appears in the floor next to the tv. It is the exact knife that the little girl was holding in the video and it even has the blood still on it. I cannot believe what I am doing. I pick the knife up and put it in my bag thinking about the publicity I will get from the story. I confidently walk out of the apartment ready to find out what is in the next apartment but first I have to make a phone call.

To Be Continued...

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