Chapter XVIII

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(Aizawa's POV)

When Izuku stopped talking I immediately grabbed his upper arm and pulled his sleeves up to see bandages. I looked up at him and said, "Will you take them off or am I going to have to?" He winced again and sighed saying, "I'll take them off," he then used his other hand to do so.

Once they were off there were tons of little cuts, some looked deeper than others. I thought, 'Why didn't I check him? I'm such an Idiot! He could have died because of me! Why didn't I check him? I knew he was half insane and his dad..., but cutting?! I should have checked. I'm such a dumbass!'

I pulled myself from my thoughts and said, "Why do you cut? Why didn't you tell me? I only want to help you." I looked at him with empathy in my eyes and asked him, "Why would you hide something like this from me?" He responds by saying, " I-i didn't want to worry you and I thought you would h-hate me. I c-cut because the voice is telling me too! I'm s-Sorry I'm s-so sorry."

He crawled into a ball and started bawling. I questioned if he thought I was going to hit him because of the way he moved so quickly. I said, "No, there's nothing you should be apologizing for. I'm sorry you have nothing to be sorry about, it's not your fault, it's your monster of a father's. I should have checked you for cuts in the first place."

(Izuku's POV)

I didn't know what to do but cry, he was saying stuff but all I heard was the voice saying, :He hates you! Why would he not? You just made another problem for him, you piece of sh-: it was cut off though by Sho I heard him saying, "I'm sorry you have nothing to be sorry for it's not your fault it's your monster of a father's."

I couldn't hear anything else after because I passed out due to exhaustion.

(Aizawa's POV)

I sat there for a while till I realized he was asleep/passed out so I carried him upstairs to our room and set him on the bed. I had hero work so I put a note next to him in case he woke up. I sat there watching his slow breaths in and out enjoying the silence and feeling sad about our whole situation. I pondered a little bit more then decided it was about time I left, I got up and kissed Izu's forehead and left wordlessly.

—Several hours later—
(Izuku's POV)

I woke up feeling distraught. I remembered what happened, then I cursed to myself and got up. There was a note next to me that said, "I'm off doing hero work just wanted to make sure you knew just in case," I rolled my eyes and said, "How dare he abandon me in my time of need." I puffed my cheeks and thought about how I actually wanted to go see the villains, because they were more like family than my dad.

I wanted to know how they were doing because I haven't seen them in forever, so I got dressed in a blue hoodie with white accents, with khaki shorts, and little gay boy shoes. I then left for the base/bar that the LOV resides in.

(Shigaraki's POV)

Master was quite upset that they took his son not because he liked his son no, but because he wished for him to become the leader of our organization and or his personal punching bag which I thought was unfair because I'm the leader. Luckily today he told me he'll be giving me 'All for One' which is cool but that also means he's dying if he is passing it on now.

He said, "Come here Shigaraki so I can give you the powerful quirk that's lived for centuries." I went over to him and said, "Master tell me what to do and I'll do it," he asked, "It might hurt a bit but it'll be worth it my successor."

He removed father and put his hand on my forehead then an indescribable pain came and I started screaming in agony, 'This is so painful but master wants this so I'll help him, he gave me everything I have to repay him.' Then all of a sudden I felt nothing and promptly passed out.

(Izuku's POV)

When I got to the bar only Toga, Dabi, and Kirogiri were there so I asked, "Where's Shigaraki? He's usually with at least one of you guys," Kirogiri said, "He went with boss because he is passing 'All for One' onto him today." Then a portal opened, I quickly hid behind the couch and listened.

It was 'Father' who had a passed out Shigaraki in his hands and said, "One of you take him to bed, he just received my power. If you see that deadbeat son of mine. Kill him. He deserves to die now," he then went back through the portal and it disappeared (Dabi is now carrying Shiggy to his room) . I came out of my hiding place and Kirogiri said, "What does he mean by 'he deserves to die now' Izuku?"

I sighed and started explaining, "So I snapped after one of my beatings and cussed him out saying I was gonna end it so he would finally be happy but he kinda snapped back and umm," Toga said, "Come on Izu you know you can tell us anything!" Dabi came back from the other room saying, "Yeah what did the boss say?"

I continued, "He snapped back and kinda said he would do it himself then he continued beating me. I guess he was going to beat me to death but someone stopped him and I'm guessing that's why he's so pissed," Kirogiri asked, "Who stopped him? Not that it's a bad thing that they did," I answered, "It was the pro heroes All Might and Eraserhead, before they almost caught me and Toga on her mission that day, remember Toga?"

She nodded and said, "You went home after that, how did they know where you live?" I explained that Aizawa aka Eraserhead walked me home and that I was taken to a hospital after that.

I said, "I just came to visit since I haven't been here in forever," that's when Shiggy came out of his room and said, "What the hell are you doing here brat? Also is Toga trying to kill Dabi again?" I began to speak but was cut off by Kirogiri who said, "Izuku wanted to visit us and Dabi said that gays aren't real."
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have a wonderful rest of your day/night my guy's, gals, and my genderless pals.
End of Chapter
Word Count: 1,149

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