12. Surviving Juliet.

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Diego leaned on the lobby's desk beside him as he waited for Jade to make her way down the stairs. She had a late class and missed a little bit of Zhuri's baby shower, but Diego assured her that he would pick her up whenever she was ready. He had been at the shower since the starting time and was glad for this getaway. From Zhuri to family everyone was getting on his nerves and aggravating him.

As the side door opened Jade appeared wearing an oversized t-shirt and a pair of slippers. Her class ended 40 minutes ago, so Diego thought that would be more than enough time for her to get ready. His eyebrows creased the more he took in her appearance.

"What's up with this?" He used his index finger to point to her chest. "Where yo' clothes at?"

Jade lifted the big t-shift that occupied her body by its hem, exposing the shirt and shorts combo underneath. "I didn't want to get makeup on my shirt." Content with her answer he followed her up to her room. Jade went back to the mirror while he opted for her desk.

"How was class?" He asked, wanting to know.

"Exhausting. You know how I hate chemistry." She said as she used her favorite concealer to clean her brows.

"How you hate something you good at?

After dowsing her face with setting spray, she removed the giant shirt and proceeded to look for her favorite pair of sneakers. "I'm only good at it because you help me." She joked. She knew that would stroke his ego.

"You right. Maybe this school shit is for me."

Before he could reply, her room door opened and appeared her best friend. Jade ignored her presence while Diego simply threw her a head nod. She mumbled a quick "Hi." At that Jade whipped her head around to face Diego. She had a scowl on her face.

All week they lived in silence. Jade made it her mission to purposely ignore the girl. There were no exchanges between the two whatsoever, and Jade liked it that way. But what she didn't like was the fact that Diego spoke to her, she would address that in the car.

"I'm ready." Jade said as she threw her purse over her chest. More often than not she stayed the night with him, so it was no surprise to her when he grabbed the pink duffle bash she used to store her clothes. And without another look in the small dorm, they exited her room and made their way to his car.

Once situated in the car, Diego eased off the curb and soon fell in line with the oncoming cars. "Why did you speak to that girl?"

"Your best friend?" He raised an eyebrow earning an eye roll from Jade.

"She's not my best friend, she's my roommate. Why you speak to her?"

"You know it's rude to walk in a room and not speak right?"

"You want to talk to me about being rude when everything out your mouth is 'bitch this, bitch that' and 'hoe this, hoe that' really?"

"This bitches be bitches and you know it." He laughed at his own joke, while Jade sent him a stale face. "Aight I won't speak to her next time."

"There won't be a next time. She's moving out this weekend."

"You happy about that?"

"Yup. Now you can spend the night with me sometimes." Jade danced in her seat. She was extremely happy to have a room to herself.

"I told you I'm not sleeping in no twin size bed. I'm too big for that."

"Whatever." Jade said as she pouted. Her living situation wasn't ideal for him, but she wished he would give it a try.

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