3. Interrupted.

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A few notes before y'all read: 1. this has been in my drafts for months srry. 2. I'm Haitian and I can understand French if you speak it (I can't read it, write it, or have a convo if that makes sense) so excuse me if the French is bad. 3. I will fix the spacing later.


"What he say?" Diego couldn't open his mouth before Eli asked the same question for what had to be the tenth time. Diego was getting irritated because he had other shit to do besides sit in on one of Eli's meetings.

"He want you to move more weight...and something about taking over for Theo in Decatur?" Diego turned to his cousin and replied.

"Damn. I'm already moving twice my regular load. Ask'em how much more?" Eli said more to himself than aloud, but he was heard by everyone.

"Si vous ne pouvez pas gérer cela, je connais quelqu'un d'autre qui peut," Said the man who had been standing silently next to Axel. Axel was the family's connect. He and his family served as the Manthieu's supplier way before Diego and Eli were thought of.

Diego didn't care about the particulars of the conversation. He was only there to be a translator since the regular guy had other shit to do. Eli asked Diego to come along because of his Haitian background, after damn near begging he caved in. Diego felt uncomfortable with the whole situation. Drugs wasn't his thing.

"If you can't do it he said he can find somebody else." Eli was never the type to back down from a task or challenge. Axel could ask him to sell ten keys in a day and he would agree. Without waiting for a response from Eli, Diego told Axel that Eli would move the extra weight.


"I can handle it." Eli claimed as the pair made their way to his car.

"Man that's yo' business." Diego knew his cousin could handle it, but even if he couldn't he had people who would help.

"Don't be over there making faces and shit then. If you think you can do my job then do it." Eli got defensive.

Diego didn't have time to argue with his cousin. Eli was a hot head and he snapped over the smallest shit. He would hate to beat his cousin's ass in front of his connect.

"Nigga just get in the car. I'm hungry." Diego waited until Eli unlocked the doors before he hopped in. He sat back in the seat and pulled his hood over eyes.

Diego wasn't new to this life, but it was still something that made him uncomfortable. It was a path he chose not to go down. It's not like his occupation was any better, but the discretion it provided caused him not to be as paranoid.

Working for somebody was never his method of operation and at a young age he knew that he wouldn't be going into the family business. On the other hand, Eli was all for it. He wanted his hand at the business since he was ten years old.

Walking inside the restaurant, the two men were greeted by a young waitress. It took the girl about thirty seconds to realize her boss was in front of her instead of a regular customer. She exited the walkway that separated the entrance from the sitting area and allowed him and his guest to seat themselves. They settled for bar seats.

Diego opened this restaurant on his twentieth birthday. Bird thought opening a restaurant would be a good way to clean his money.

Seconds later the bartender came over. "Should I get you guys the usual?" she questioned. Diego made it his mission to visit his restaurant weekly even if it was only for a drink.

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