22. Always n Forever

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I got this message from my cousin yesterday around 10 😭. She said other stuff too, but this was the "nicest."

This isn't my best chapter, but we move

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This isn't my best chapter, but we move.


Diego laid wide awake on the bed staring at the ceiling. He heard Bird leaving earlier, so he knew he was alive. He had been stuck in that position for the last hour with guilt cruising through his body. There weren't many times in his life where regretted his actions, but last night could be added to that short list. He sighed heavily thinking of a solution that would be best for all parties.

The sound of his phone snapped him from his thoughts. He didn't care to talk to anyone at the moment, so he ignored it. He needed to have a clear mind before he spoke to anyone.

His phone started to ring again, but this time he snatched it from the nightstand and read the caller ID. Jade was calling. As if he didn't have enough to worry about, his mind went in overdrive thinking of what she wanted. She could be okay and just wanted to talk or she could possibly be in danger. Feeling as though he caused enough damage to one woman, he answered the call.

He didn't speak once the call connected, but Jade heard shuffling on the other end and knew he picked up. "Hello?" Excitement could be heard through her soft voice. If he wasn't so down in the dumps he'd smile at it.

"What's up?" His voice was flat, and gave off every indentation of how he felt at the moment.

"Diego is this you? You sound different?" Jade quickly pulled the phone from her ear to make sure she dialed the right number. He didn't seem happy to speak to her at all. Or happy in general.

"Yeah it's me." He answered back.

"Okay...well I called because I need your help...I think." She said softly, looking out the window of her apartment.

Diego wasn't sure how to respond to that. "Okay?"

"I watch a lot of TV. I mean a lot of it and it's never the same thing. I watch cartoon with Eazy. I watch crime shows with Miles. And I watch reality shows with Imiri." She rambled on excitedly. He noticed she rambled whenever she was nervous or had good news. "So I watch a lot of things and when I've had time to digest the show, I can't separate reality from fantasy. I'll have a random memory then get confused about if it happened to me or not, you know?"

He knew what she was getting at, but allowed her to further explain until she was done.

"We ever went to the zoo? Me, you, and maybe Eazy?" She asked while trying to come up with the memory. "I get this funny feeling every time a zoo is mentioned on TV."

He remembered the exact memory. Nothing important happened that day, so he didn't understand why she called him about it. He appreciated the call, but remembering a random day at the zoo was nothing to talk about. "We went a couple times. Once with Eazy and I think we went alone?"

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