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Everything seemed to be okay. It was awfully quiet within the BTS dorms.

Things seemed to be going back to normal.

Waiting at the airport to go home, Jungkook was on his phone, scrolling through the app catalog, looking for something to keep himself entertained.

He had to do a double take.

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"What? No, it can't be." Jungkook thought to himself.

He clicked on the icon and started reading the reviews.

"It really works! I didn't believe it at first, I don't know how it works, but it does!"

"How do we know if this app is actually right? Could just be fake."

"It does work, but what do you use this for?"

"Use this app if you want to ruin a relationship."

It was. But they were the only ones that had it before?

Jungkook exited out of the catalog and opened up the internet browser. He typed 'Love Alert' into the search bar and hit enter.

The first thing that popped up was a description and release date.

It was the same app they had, but it seemed to be released to the public a few days ago. People were going crazy about it.

It wasn't long until it was noticed by all of the members.

Crazy "fans" used it against them, trying to start fake rumors and cause problems.

They tried not to let it bother them, but it was hard.

"Jimin-oppa rang my Love Alert! Oppa!" A "fan" chased after them in the airport one day.

"Namjoon-ah! I love you! Please ring my Love Alert!"

Things just kept piling up.

They weren't allowed to date, but they did it anyways. Now people are using this against them, making them uncomfortable, even more uncomfortable when they can't even say they're already in a relationship.

The app caused problems for other celebrities too.

Twice was one example. They were aware of it, but they didn't like bringing it up. Sometimes a fan would mention it during a fansign and make the atmosphere awkward.

"Sana-ya, you said you love ONCE right? Then why didn't my Love Alert go off?"

"If you had Love Alert, Mina-chan, I bet it would ring more than a thousand times."

"Who would you want to ring your Love Alert?"

"Do you think it really works? I'd like to test it."

The members who were in relationships with BTS members couldn't say anything. If they told their company they were dating, they would pry at them to get answers and then their partners would get in trouble with their company.

This went on for several weeks until Jimin figured out who was behind it.

"It's you, isn't it?" Jimin was back in that office with Yoon-nim.

"Sorry? I don't quite understand."

"Love Alert? Why did you publish it?" Jimin got straight to the point.

Yoon-nim drops his hand onto the desk.

"I told you." He sighs, "This was an actual app I was working on. I took the whole tracking device out of it and I released it. What's the problem?"

"The problem is it's causing problems. For everyone."

"You're being dramatic."

"Am I? Have you seen what you've done? I can't go a single day without someone confessing their love to me and begging me to "ring their Love Alert"! I'm tired of it! You should have thought of this beforehand!" Jimin took a deep breath, "And I'm not the only one who feels like this! The members, my friends, even my own brother, they all feel violated because of you!"

Yoon-nim just sat there waiting for Jimin to calm down.

"And what do you get from all of this? Huh? Why did you want to make this app in the first place?" Jimin snaps at him.

"I wanted to use it." Yoon-nim says under his breath, "Much like you did."

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows.

"You wanted to see if she loved you, right?" Yoon-nim asks, but Jimin didn't answer.

"I developed a whole software, a whole science for this! I couldn't just let it go down the drain!"

Both of them were frustrated, heated in the moment.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude." Jimin looks down, trying to see this from his perspective.

"I understand, Jimin." Yoon-nim rubs his temple, "Your life was already difficult before all of this. I understand why you're upset, but I'm not getting rid of my app again."

Jimin scoffs and thinks for a moment.

"Then let's make a deal, shall we?" Jimin crosses his arms.

"A deal?"


"What are you implying?"

Jimin stands from his seat, looking Yoon-nim straight in the eyes, making him feel intimidated.

"You don't have to get rid of it." Jimin says, "But you have to convince Si-hyuk-hyung to let us date again."

"Tsk. That's all you want?" Yoon-nim stopped being intimidated by Jimin.

Jimin simply nods.

"And what if I can't convince him?" Yoon-nim asks.

"Then we'll boycott again. Then, we'll take this to Si-hyuk ourselves. Simple." Jimin wasn't exactly sure if they were going to go with their same plan from last time, looking at how that ended up, but he couldn't just tell Yoon-nim that.

"Fine. It's a deal."

They shake hands and Jimin leaves the building.

Now he just had to hope that Yoon-nim does his part without any problems.

BTS x TWICE: LOVE ALERT Where stories live. Discover now