part 1 | childhood 🌻

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"What was his name again...?"

Tsukishima blankly looked at the framed picture, hanging from the plain, white wall of his room.

A green haired boy...


8 years ago...

"Tsukki, Tsukki!" A familiar voice came from his right.

"Yamaguchi?" Tsukishima turned, only to be tackled to the ground by the small, green haired boy that he loved so much.

"Tsukki!! I found this!" Yamaguchi took out and unfolded a piece of paper from his small, brown satchel.

It was a blueprint. Not just any old blueprint, a blueprint of a plane. But in this desolate world of cages and confinement, why would someone leave something so important behind?

Yes, cages and confinement. In their small world, it was always the military. They lived in a small city, trapped in a giant cage.

Nobody had freedom, you were always controlled and watched over.

"Y-Yamaguchi! What if we get caught?" Tsukishima held up the blueprint in his small hands.

"I checked for a camera or other devices. None! Nada!" Yamaguchi smiled at him.

They were runaways, who set up their base in an abandoned warehouse, which the military believed was burned to the ground. There was a food supply right next to it, and a large space for them to play. 

"This is the life!" Yamaguchi plopped onto the pile of blankets in the corner of their little room. 

It was quite dusty, so they cleaned up a corner and made it a small space for them to eat and sleep. 

"W-Wait, Yamaguchi, it's getting late!" Tsukishima whispered, running over to the other boy and quietly laying down next to him.

"But Tsukki, I just wanna play all night!" Yamaguchi reached out to the sky.

"Hm. Not too loud." Tsukishima sighed, and Yamaguchi jumped up, and grabbed the ball next to the pile of blankets.

"Volleyball, again?" Tsukishima shook his head, smiling. 

They played until it got dark, remembering to stay quiet. The moon shone at them, as if god was giving them a blessing from above. The stars shone as brightly as Yamaguchi's eyes, the pale moonlight light shining as soft as Tsukishima's hair. 

They fell onto the blankets, falling asleep right away. They were happy together, secluded in their small warehouse. 


"Tsukki, Tsukki," Yamaguchi shook Tsukishima awake.

With a groan, Tsukishima got up, rubbing his eyes. The early morning's sunlight was blinding, shining in from the small windows directly onto his face.

"Oh, right." Tsukishima put on his glasses, pushing them up with his index finger.

It was Thursday, which meant that it was the day they went out to get food. A big responsibility for 10 year olds.

"I won't get candy this time! Can I go with you, please??" Yamaguchi pleaded, putting his hands together.

"Fine, fine." Tsukishima wasn't weak, only weak for Yamaguchi.

"Yay!" Yamaguchi pranced around, collecting their gear. They always needed to cover up when going outside, in fear of being caught and taken into a training camp.

Reluctantly, Tsukishima put on the black cloak and hood, carrying their large bag. With a single step, they were out, in the wasteland they called home. Bars enveloped the buildings, smog covering the horizon.

Yet, the clear, blue sky was still visible. The sky.. was so peculiar. No matter how foggy it was, no matter how much the towers covered the scenery, the blue sky still shone through.

"Tsukki! The sky's pretty today!" Yamaguchi beamed at Tsukishima.

He thought Yamaguchi beamed brighter than any light. A glint of happiness in the rugged world they lived in.

"S-Sure.." Tsukishima pulled down their hoods further down, sneaking in between a narrow alleyway to get to the shop.

"Hi, boys!" They jumped, feeling a hand on their shoulders.

"Suga! Don't scare us like that!" Yamaguchi whined, pushing his hand off.

"Yeah, yeah, I know, but you have to be aware of your surroundings more! You don't know when a search could happen..." Sugawara shook his head.

"Okay, I'll take note." The blonde-haired boy took out his notebook, scribbling down what Sugawara said.

They walked into the small store. It was filled with fresh produce, sweets, and other food.

"Have this. Suga filled their bag for them, and handed it back.

"Thank you!" Yamaguchi bowed, and took Tsukishima by the arm to go back to their warehouse.

It was the start of a long day.



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