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I made this in paint so it's shitAnd because I can't make Russia they look small but they are big FYI

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I made this in paint so it's shit
And because I can't make Russia they look small but they are big FYI

Ignore the WIP it was WIP but I forgot to delete the WIP, Sorry for bad qualityAnd here are the states and their capital which I will write

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Ignore the WIP it was WIP but I forgot to delete the WIP, Sorry for bad quality
And here are the states and their capital which I will write

- Kankardona and it's capital Wällen, The state has the most production of minerals than the other state and has beautiful mountains

- Krystalnaya reka Kamodo and it's capital Westliche Stadt
The state has the third most population of Kristall Kamodo which is the national animal of Souveran

- Estaland and it's capital Orion
The state holds the second largest Naval Base in the country and where tourist mostly go to first

- Sertland and it's capital Tërrön
The state is home to most WW2 battles that happen in the country from trenches, underground bases, small fortresses, tank scraps, and mines

- Grenzeintrittsstatus and it's military base capital Teödöre
The state is where mostly the soldiers of Souveran is deployed to protect the border in case of Russian aggression, the state itself is almost like a big military base with soldiers patrolling around and be on guard all the time, though people still live there

- Toter Wald and it's capital Tote Stadt
The state is the one that has the most mystery in it mostly over the large forest where the state is named after, Toter Wald or Dead Forest, other than that the state is a fine place for tourism

- Krystalnaya Dolina and it's capital Westerwäld
The state is famous for its Valley or better known as the Crystal Valley, the state is also the third biggest production of minerals in the country

- Siranöv and it's capital Ußulndung
The state has the most natural hot springs in the country and where most Soviet plane crashed are in this state

- Toter Dolina and it's capital Totes Tal
The state is famous for many deaths in its Valley ranging over 73 deaths a year hence the nickname Dead Valley

- Sörösky and it's capital Kristallberg
The state is known for its second highest peak in Souveran which is the Kristallgipfel

- St. Molotov and it's capital Erich Der Größe
The state is one of the most religious state in the country with religious places from churches, mosque, etc

- St. Fordant and it's capital Hïnder
The state with the most 'Religious Intent', that's all I can say

- Sneg Ad and it's capital Schneehölle Stadt
The state of Sneg Ad or better known as "Snow Hell" is the capital of Souveran or Sovantian Continent which ever you want to call it, the second most coldest state that has the most people and home to the largest Naval Base in the country which is Sneg Ad Grand Naval Base

- Könnig and it's capital Kristallherz
The state named after the still living Mikhail Könnig is mostly used for production of weapons and military equipment, it's also where the headquarters of Könnig industries

- Pölansk and it's capital Abhinäv
The state of Pölansk named after... Well... Poland, is the state where most revolution against the Soviet government happen and where most traditional culture is at

- Sonderstaat Friedrich von Wilhelm and it's capital Austriëch
The state where the Uni Revolution is started by Friedrich Von Wilhelm himself and the state where he was also born at, many revolution artifacts and memorial statues for all the brave souls that went away from the war and the ones that came back from the war

- Torsknel and it's capital Krutohz
The state of Torsknel where most poison gasses were made before and during the Great War, The state also produces many equipment for the military and personnel to join the army

- Darschned and it's capital Turmoil
The second state with the most population of Kristall Kamodo's and Blue Hawks

- Toter Berg and it's capital Kristallküste
The state of Toter Berg with the highest peak in Souveran also known as Toter Gipfel

- Heinsald with it's capital Krieg
The Heinsald state the first biggest export of pearls in Souveran

- Arktischer Staat and it's capital Arktische Stadt
The state with the most coldest weather almost like the Arctic and also the state with the most population of Kristall Kamodo's, Most people don't live there the people that lives there only live 26 miles away from the border of other states and not living in deeper in the 'Hunting Zone' or 'Arctic Zone'

- Last but not least Nordöstliche Inseln and it's capital Marinestadt
The Island state in the Arctic Ocean near the county of Emi or Uni Empire, It is also home to the third largest Naval Base of the Souveran

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