Souveran Küstenwache

298 8 14

(it means Coastguard btw if you don't know what it means)

12 - Offshore Patrol Vessel
Kreuzritter class
- Kreuzritter
- Estaland
- Günther
- Miller
Derschand class
- Derschand
- Hööd
- Moz
- Tugend
Abfangjäger class
- Abfangjäger
- Mörder
- Überfall
- Mitternacht

6 - Interceptor Vessels
Omegon class
- Omegon
- Alpha
- Delta
Kaiser class
- Kaiser
- Königin
- Prinz

240 - Fast Armed Interceptor Boats

50 - PT Boats (not equipped with Torpedoes)

- 27 UF-17 Mk. 18 (Patrol)
- 17 UB-43 Stinger 438 (Surveillance)
- 15 EC-135
- 14 SH-3 SeaFalcon
- 7 AOH-5 ArcticShark

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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