'I missed you' - Leondre + Charlie

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A/N- this one is partly based on an experience I had a while ago. I hope you enjoy, please comment what you think and vote! Ily💓

You couldn't believe it; you had finally arrived at Wembley Stadium! Your mum had gotten you and your sisters tickets to go and see One Direction who were you favourite band!
You slowly walked up the huge path to the stadium, when you were intrigued by a huge group of people surrounding something or someone. Little did you know that in the middle of the crowd, were the people that changed your life. Especially one of them. Leondre Devries.
At first, you struggled to see who it was, but then you caught a glimpse of a tall blonde haired boy, and a short brown haired one. You still questioned who they were, so you asked a near by woman.
"Oh it's Bars and Melody from BGT," she said, and smiled.
For a minute your whole world slipped. It was your idols you had looked up to for so long. They had made you smile and there was no doubt that their audition was the most inspirational thing you'd seen in a while. Your thoughts were snapped back in an instant; you had to see them.
You pushed your way through the screaming and eager girls, desperate to get the picture you had been dreaming for.
Before your very eyes, stood the boys you'd longed to meet. The blonde one smiled at you. Without hesitation, you asked for a picture. He happily excepted and let you take a few before you moved on to Leondre.
Although they had both inspired you, Leondre had always been the one who you looked up to the most. The way he had been bullied, and the way he had resolved that was incredible.
For a second, you just stared at him. He didn't realise for a while but then noticed you, and smiled back. You hesitantly asked for a picture, once again, he excepted.
You were so happy.
You said thank you very much and started to walk away was you had been pushed by all the girls. You looked back slowly to see him still staring at you. All you could to was smile back, then you walked off.

*6 months later*

You couldn't believe your luck. Since meeting them for the first time in Wembley, all you could do was think about them and admire them, and then they announced they were going to another Soccer Six! You couldn't believe it. Your mum didn't let you go to the first one they went to, as she thought it was a waste of money. But now you had convinced her to let you go. More importantly, she had given you V.I.P access as she knew the manager that ran it.
You had watched them grow throughout these months, and were extremely proud. You got noticed constantly as they were pretty small then. Leondre always sent you cute dms on twitter, and they noticed your tweets and Instagram posts, and it always made you smile.

You got changed into your pink t shirt and blue shorts, painting your face pink and pulling on your white Converse.
Then you hopped in the car and drove to the venue, buzzing with excitement.

You were shown to the pitch where all the celebrities hung out before the games started. You nearly squealed with excitement.
Not long after you arrived, the matches had started, thankfully team pink had yet to play. You wondered whether to go up to Leondre or just wait, but you were to nervous so you decided to get a drink first.
You had your back turned the drinks machine, and you didn't realise Leondre staring at you. His eyebrows raised at the sight of you. He couldn't believe you were here.
He coughed awkwardly, causing you to turn around.
For a moment you just stared at each other, words didn't need to be used, but before long, Leondre had you wrapped in a massive hug.
You gasped in surprise as he remembered you after so long.
"I missed you," he mumbled into your t shirt, not daring to let go of you. You returned the hug and held on to him for dear life.
You could here the girls screaming from behind the railings, saying disgusting things to you like: "is that your girlfriend? She's ugly!" And "who's that ugly freak?"
You tried to block it out, but before long, every girl was shouting at you to get away from Leo. You bursted out crying and pulled away, starting to run off, but Leondre caught you.
"What's wrong baby?" He said, there were tears in his eyes.
"Can't you hear those girls? They hate me! We aren't even together! I've waited so long for this moment to happen, but I guess I'm wrong to be here!" You cried. But Leondre smashed you into a hug, crying as well.
All the girls had shut up by now. They all just stared in disbelief.
You pulled away from Leondre, you were both crying like mad.
"Y/N I do love you, and not in a fan way," he whispered, trying to hold the tears but failing. You were in complete shock. He was in love with you?
"Y/N will you be my girlfriend? You've supported us for so long, and it's stupid to let that go. I love you okay?" He whimpered, trying to not cry.
"I love you too Leo," you said. His eyes lightened up. He softly placed his lips on yours. By then all the girls were silent.
He pulled back after a minute, and held your hands in his. They were warm and safe, you felt safe.
You couldn't he'll but smile, you didn't care what any of the fans said, you really did love Leo.
You heard a wolf whistle from out of no where, and turned around to look. It was Charlie. He came over a smirked.
"Aw such a cute couple, congrats!" He said, pulling you in for a hug.
"Hey mate, get your hands off her shes mine!" Warned Leondre, laughing.
You all formed a group hug, laughing. Suddenly Charlie fell on the floor, causing you and Leo to fall down on too of him. Everyone burst into giggles, and tried but failed to get up. This is what you wanted, and nothing could ever replace it.

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