A Fresh Start

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"Wake up, ugh ALEX" I screamed as as I knew it is the only way to wake her up in the morning. But when even that didn't wake her up I knew I would have to wait for everyone else.

Jordan's POV

"I know, someone get me a bucket of water" everyone laughed at my idea but I was being serious it's like trying to wake the dead, it's impossible.

*Kaiden walks in*

"Ugh finally your here, now wake her up we need to talk to her" Kaiden laughed as he went to go an wake up Alex.

After about five minutes of Kaiden trying an failing to wake Alex up she finally gave in and sat straight up hitting Kaiden in the head, as both Kaiden and Alex winced in pain Dix, Bear, Declan and I had almost collapsed with laughter.

Alex's POV

"Alright very funny, now why have you all disturbed my well deserved nap" I asked questionably. When I was told the answer I wish I had never asked in the first place.

"That is insane, are you all out of your minds" I yelled

"Think about it Alex, we all need to get out of Arkarnae and this is the perfect solution" Declan pleaded

But I didn't think so I thought that it was crazy, so crazy in fact that I was beginning to think that I was overreacting.

"Even if I did say yes, do you think we would actually be allowed to go. I mean we still would have to ask Darrius" and while talking I tried ignore the growing smiles on all my friends faces but before I got the chance to say anything else Jordan interrupted me.

"Darrius already agreed" he said while smiling gleefully "He said it would be a great learning experience" Dix added with an equally big smile.

"Ugh, do I really have a choice" I said while trying to think of reasons to say no to this ridiculous proposition.

"NO!" Said everyone in the room except Kaiden who hasn't said anything since waking me up.

Kaiden's POV

I am equally as excited to go on an adventure as the rest of the group but I don't want to push Alex to far to soon, but I realised that there is no way that she will be able to fight the rest of the group even with her record breaking willpower. So I said "Just let Alex think about it for a moment but with that said I can tell you are dying to go just as much a the rest of us so just think about it"

"fine" Alex said with a monotone voice and with that word everyone was screaming and dancing like crazy people all around the room.

"Guys, go pack" I said with a sense of urgency and before I could even blink everyone started to scramble away to get their stuff together.

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