The Power,The Passion Part 1 ch 45

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"The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 45"
At Amanda-Amanda was putting a picture of Callope when Jacqueline came into the room."The maid let me in"Oh,Why are you here "I'm sorry that my father raped you"I'm sorry I give you away "Did Daddy make you give me up"Yes,He blackmailing me into giving you up I didn't want too "Did you love me "Yes"So I was wanting "Yes,I would watch you when I could like when you had you're dancing lessons you were a great dancer "Thanks,I like dancing but Daddy thought it was a waste of time,He wanted me to get a education "That's good,Was Maryann good to you"Yes she was,Amanda I don't know how we form a relationship but I want too"I want that too"Jacqueline saw the picture of Callope on the fireplace."Did Callope know"No.Only my brother know"Oh,I'm sorry about what my father did"I know this is hard to deal with but don't let this change the memories you have of you're father "I wouldn't "How are you're children "Good,No one outside the family know this but Celeste is pregnant "Wow"Yes I'm going to be a Grandmother "Are you okay with it"Not really she blowing her future but I will support her"Good"I sure go"Jacqueline left.

At Sandra art Gallery-Sandra was getting the art gallery ready for tonight reopening."It's going to be perfect "She smile as Emma came by."The art gallery looks good"Thanks "

Ben was walking when he ran into Millie."Millie,Come back to me"No"You're not going to leave me we both know it"

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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