The Power,The Passion Part 1 ch 23

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"The Power, The Passion Part 1 ch 23"
At The Park-Celeste was sitting on the bench when JJ came by,"Celeste "JJ"He sit down,"Do you want to raise the baby or do we give the baby away "I want to raise it, I will help you"I need more time to think about it,Emma wants to adopt my baby"Don't Give our baby away, I need to get to work"You're working "Yes at my father office "JJ left..

At Amanda-Amanda was at home looking at a picture when Alistair came into the room,"Why are you here "We need to talk I'm sorry about Calliope but you will not tell my wife who you really are"How long have you know that I'm Jacqueline Mother "When I start dating Jacqueline I look into her family history,You left you're own daughter "I didn't want to leave my daughter! Robert Give Me no choice he was a ruthless man and powerful and I was young"I don't care just leave my wife alone "Alistair left,

At Jacqueline/Alistair-Jacqueline was having tea when Celeste came into the room."Celeste "Mother,I'm not sure what to do this is a big decision "Yes it,Celeste I don't think you sure give you're baby up for adoption, I know what it's like not having an Mother growing up all I had was my father "Do you wish you had you're mother and that you know who she is"As Alistair came into the room ,"No , I don't want to know who she is, She left me,Celeste we will help you raise the baby and you can still go to school "Yes, I want to keep the baby "Good"You made the right choice "Daddy,Are you still upset with me"No, I love you "Alistair kiss his daughter on her forehead.

At Amanda-Amanda was having another drink as Paul came into the room,"Why are you still here "We need to plan our daughter's funeral "Yes"

Copyright by Skye's the limit

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