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Elliot was gone ....... And I just took shower and was laying in my huge elephant size bed I don't feel like anything to eat so I was just thinking what the fuck I did with Elliot ...... Why the hell I called him and kissed him all I love him or I love his body I'm gay or I'm bisexual or I m straight .... The storm of thoughts were running in my mind ugh I thought for a second that my brain would explode as this is my very fucking first time I kissed a man.... But I made a mistake I just knew that .... After a while I just felt asleep

There were sun rays flashing on my face I just covered my face with blanket to escape the sunlight ... But my assistant just knocked at my door and reminded me that I have a meeting so ... battling with my eyelashes to make my eyes open as soon I was back at my senses I just went at my living room to get the breakfast .... I usually make my own breakfast... So I just made waffles and applied Nutella all over it I basically love sweet things to eat ... I had my breakfast I just ignored the thoughts of Elliot but that Elliot still on my mind ..than I just look over the chair beside me every day I used to have breakfast with her unless if I am out of the country but she just passed away 1 month ago I just feel lonely I missed having breakfast with her ... I was having the beautiful family but after that incident everything changed that was the worst year of my life I always cursed myself for that ..... Tears rolling down on cheeks ... I got back to my senses as my phone rung... I picked up the call

"Hey ,Surya where are you ??" Other person

"Yeah just coming"I answered with a soft voice

I just headed towards my car to go to office red single showed up and driver stopped the car I was just admiring the atmosphere was nice,there were old couple seating in the garden enjoying themselves than on the other hand mother is taking their child to school and they were literally crying ...until I saw Elliot he was in his car BMW just opposite in direction I was just admiring his beauty I think yeah he seems to be financially pretty good at this age

"Hey sir " he shouted and waved at me

"Hello Elliot where you going " I asked curiously and I thought after that awkward night he still have courage to speak to me ..

"Um to college bye the way pick up my call sir " he said smilingly

"Yeah say what happen " I said too smilingly

"Actually there's a party over my house if you want you can join us sir plz there would be a lot of fun there will be pool , fireworks , and I have huge garden too not big as you but ... It's cool we will have disco too and a lot to eat if you want wine I will get it to "he said breathlessly as if he wants me to come

"Umm if I want to come , you don't want me to come "I said teasingly

"It's not like that ...... I want you to come plz I swear you will enjoy" he said excitingly as of he wants me to say yes

" Ok I will come by the way it's a long time since I have went to party because usually there is always business party and there is no enjoyment there by the way don't talk and drive " I said smiling

" Umm great plz come ... Yeah I won't talk now and drive bye I'm hanging up the call bye " he said and giggled

As I reached the office I told my manger to cancel all the meetings and plans as I want to go to party I wanna know Elliot more

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