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Hey guys sorry I couldn't update because I was preparing for my 12 exams but this exams seems to be postponed so I thought why not continue my story

See guys I'm excellent in imagining my story and try hard to write the same way but sometimes I cannot write what I can think so plz cooperate

So guys imagine my story as u read it

Elliot pov

I ran breathlessly out of my home when I got a call saying that some bulldozer is destructing my coffee shop .

when I reach there my heart burst out tears were flowing non stop from my eyes my half coffee shop was broken , why the hell Somone would do that 

I can't do nothing except standing there and crying and seeing my coffee shop in this situation

At that time some one pat me from behind judging by his clothes he somewhat look like bodyguard of Surya because I now he's bodyguard always wear  full  black suit with microphone In their ears

"Come with me I know who did it " he whispered

I just went without even thinking for a minute not knowing where he was taking me I jus want to know who the hell did it

As I walked there was no one  on the road  except me and this man the darkness became more darker( not to much far but at a distance where Elliot coffer shop was visible)  I was continuously asking him who did it but he refused to say anything

I was shocked when I saw surya what he is doing here he was sitting in his car and there were many cars around him with tons of bodyguards

Is he the one who destroyed my coffee shop

Surya pov

As I saw Elliot coming from a distance .

He was wearing black jeans with black jacket and a t shirt inside it .

I got off from  my car and lean on the door. 

As he saw me he was so shocked his eyes are sore from crying his body seems to be so weak his hairs were messy .

He ran towards me while crying and tries to catch  my collar .

But My bodyguards were soon enough to point a gun on his head but he seems to be unbothered

"Tell me why the hell you did it SURYA why why why "Elliot screamed loudly

Uhhh... Guns down  he is  nothing but a piece of shit now leave  guards , I ordered

Soon all the guards left

No one's pov

Surya caught him by his hairs  roughly and said

"Don't your date to raise your voice against me this is your punishment for spreading the rumours about our sex you bastard  and yeah see behind "

Surya release his hairs by shoving his head angrily

As Elliot saw behind he can see from a distance as his coffee shop was now fully  broke down and pieces falling apart

"And yeah there is another surprise for  you bitch it's waiting at your home  " Surya said as he smirked at the scene in front of him

Elliot froze as he heard the word HOME

"What you have done to my home now " Elliot asked while crying

"Aha ...and those friends of yours..." Surya said as he was cut off by Elliot

"Plz don't do anything to them plz plz
why are you doing this to me" Elliot muttered crying still on his knees and his hands joined pleading him

"It's the cost of love baby love  "  Surya said and smirked and sat in his car He was indeed enjoying the crying n begging of elliot

And soon after Surya left Elliot  got a conference call from his friends Cole and ash

He was shocked what he heard from the other side of the phone call

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