2x03: God

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 -Thanks Mercedes

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-Thanks Mercedes.-Kurt said when the girl finished singing.- your voice is stunning, but ... I don't believe in God.

-Wait, what? .- Tina asked confused.

-You've all professed your beliefs. I'm just stating mine.-Kurt said with a shrug.- I think God is kind of like Santa Clause for adults.

-Yeah, an he is kind of a jerk, isn't he? .- Camila supported him.

-Totally, I mean, he makes me gay and then has his followers going around telling me it's something that I chose.-Camila when she heard that she sneakily looked at Santana, who curiously was looking at her too.- to be mocked every single day of their life. And right now I don't want a Heavenly Father.-Kurt continued speaking.- i want my real one back.

-But Kurt, Camila, how do you know for sure? .- Mercedes asked them.- I mean, you can't prove that there's no God.

-You can't prove that there isn't a magic teapot floating around in the dark side of the moon with a dwarf inside of it that reads a romance novels and shoots lightning out of its boobs, but it seems pretty unlikely, doesn't it? .- Camila said mockingly.

-Is God an evil dwarf? .- Brittany asked innocently, Camila looked at her and smiled.

-yes he is.-she replied laughing.

-We shouldn't be talking like this, it's not right.-Quinn said angrily.

-Im sorry, Quinn.-Kurt said looking at her.- But you all can believe whatever you want to. But we.-he said pointing at Camila and him.- can't believe something we don't.-Camila nodded in agreement.- I appreciate your thoughts ... but I don't want your prayers.


-I need to know what's going on with that Glee club.-Sue said looking at Santana, Brittany and Camila.- Brittany, jugs the clown, carrot, go.

-Mostly just everyone is really sad for Kurt.-Camila said feeling sorry.

-yeah, and no one really knows how to help.-Santana added.

-I made him a card that said "Heart attacks are for loving too much" .- Brittany said.

-wasn't it for eating something you liked? .- Camila asked confused.

-its for both.-Brittany explained as if it was obvious.

-Schuester's still pushing the Lil 'Jeezy? .- Sue asked, Camila rolled her eyes.

-Yeah, and it's annoying.-Camila answered.

-I actually don't really see what the big deal is. But kurt and Cami aren't definitely into it.-Santana said getting a bad look from Camila.

-Its because we don't believe in him, and you guys have to accept our thoughts and not pushing us to believe something that we don't want to.-Camila said angry.-In my house all i hear is how I am doing everything wrong and the only one who can help me is God and I'm sick of it. I though that the glee club was going to help me and that there was not going to be any of those things.-Santana regretted having said what she said, she grabbed her hand and smiled apologetically.

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