Chapter 1

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 Severus Snape was not considered a kind man but neither had the world been kind to him. As a young boy Severus was abused by his alcoholic muggle father and neglected by his milquetoast witch mother. An introverted skinny child,  he was bullied in school. He felt ashamed and alone. Once at Hogwarts, he thought things would be different among other wizards. Sorted into Slytherin he, again, found himself set apart and bullied by the likes of the more popular, privileged James Potter and Sirius Black. Slytherins weren't well liked, on the whole, and that didn't help matters. Severus had a keen intellect and his mind was as sharp as a razor's edge but most teachers had their own prejudices as well when it came to Slytherins. Severus was studious and kept to himself in order to stay away from trouble. But trouble always seemed to find him. It wasn't fair but Severus realized, at an early age, that life wasn't fair. At least not where he was concerned.

Adult Severus was an extremely powerful wizard, though few realized it. He was long, lean and, surprisingly, physically strong. His magical talents were many, varied and second to none. Severus was a master at spell-casting and an expert duelist; few could best him. His own spells were elegant and sophisticated, some potentially deadly. His potion creations were exceptionally clever. St Mungo's, as well as Hogwarts' own infirmary, kept a well-stocked supply of his healing and pain-relieving potions. As a master Legilimens Severus could slip into another's mind with hardly a notice. He had also honed his Occlumency skills to perfection. Indeed, Headmaster Dumbledore asked that Severus use  Occlumency to ward Hogwarts and the surrounding grounds against any outside evil telepathic influences. He could even fly without the use of a cumbersome uncomfortable broom.

Nonetheless, Severus wholly believed he would be dead by the end of this second war against Voldemort. By whose hand and from which side death would come, Severus was less sure. He had, however, prepared himself for any alternative. He always had a few bezoars stowed away. He carried a veritable storehouse of potions within the hidden pockets of his large outer-cloak. Experience taught him to rely only on himself. Severus had served two masters for such a long time. He was a good soldier as Dumbledore's double agent in the fight against the Dark Lord. He had suffered beatings, tortures and curses at the hands of Voldemort just to prove his supposed loyalty. He had protected Hogwarts and all within her as best he could for years. He wasn't a teacher; he was a spy and a damn good one. "Professor" was merely a convenient cover story. Now, it was all coming to a climax. The war was about to reach a crescendo. Whatever happened to Severus Snape from this moment on, he knew he had done all he could do to aid in Voldemort's demise. He was ready for anything Destiny dealt him.

As the assault on Hogwarts began, Severus positioned himself atop one of the towers, out of sight. He was ready to fight against Voldemort and his army of Death Eaters and other evil creatures. He also needed to keep a watch for Harry Potter. He had to give the boy instructions outlining what must be done to defeat Voldemort. Suddenly, Severus grimaced, grabbing his left forearm. It sizzled with pain as the dark mark called. 'Damn it to Hell,' he thought popping a bezoar in his mouth, swallowing it in one determined gulp. He quickly drank down a Girding potion for stamina, as well as a Grand Wiggenweld in case of life-threatening injury. He also threw back a Felix Felicis for good measure. He was going to need it. Severus apparated to the Shrieking Shack where the Dark Lord was waiting. There was a brief ranting about the Elder wand then Voldemort bellowed, 

"Nagini - KILL!" 

Severus realized too late as the monster snake attacked,  biting violently into his neck and shoulder. He had been dosing himself for years with antivenom just in case the cursed serpent had gotten hold of him. He didn't expect the bloody thing to rip out half his throat. Voldemort disapparated along with his slithering familiar, leaving Severus for dead.

Severus'  body felt heavy lying on the rickety old wood floor of the Shrieking Shack. He tasted the blood in his mouth and felt the thick, warm liquid soak his shirt. Nagini's venom burned his throat and seared through his veins. The pain was excruciating. He was choking, struggling to breathe. An unearthly chill crept into his bones. Shock was setting in. Before he could reach his pockets for Dittany and an Elixir of Life, Harry Potter knelt down beside him. Severus  needed to give the boy his message but his strength was waning. He was dying. Severus could only manage to give Harry his tears and mumble the word 'pensieve' and something about 'your mother's eyes' before the blackness overtook him.

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