Chapter 9

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Severus and Daphne apparated to Gringotts. The large stone edifice always reminded Severus of an industrial fortress totally devoid of personality. The pair were immediately met by the Head Gringotts Goblin, several assistants and two guards. A murmur went through the main floor of the Wizarding Bank as goblins and customers alike stared in amazement at Severus. Apparently he had become quite famous in the wizarding world in the last few months thanks to that hack Rita Skeeter and  the Daily Prophet. 

The chief Goblin greeted them, "Welcome, welcome, Lord Prince. Gringotts has served your family for many, many years. I am Baldrake, senior financier, here to personally escort you to your vaults. Do you have your keys, Your Lordship?" Severus produced the brass ring laden with keys. Another murmur rose up at the sight of so many keys on one ring. 

"Very good, your Lordship," Baldrake took the keys and walked straight through security with assistants, guards, Severus and Daphne close behind. It took three carts to accommodate their party. Severus hated the carts used at Gringotts. He thought they were cramped, shaky and an unnecessary hazard. They traveled downward and stopped on the 4th floor in front of an enormous iron door. The tract continued on down to the left while this floor was sealed off by the massive door. 

The guards took positions on either side of the entrance as Baldrake took out the Prince keyring. Selecting the gold key from among the many brass ones he unlocked the nearly four meters tall door. Baldrake, the assistants, Severus and Daphne stepped inside the cavernous room. Severus looked up at the seven meter high ceiling that was only visible by the glow from the torches on the dark blue-gray stone walls. The party stepped down onto a long marble hallway. Twenty-four imposing bronze vaults were set along the sides of the passageway. Twelve vaults on either side rose up like great Colossus warriors. Severus had been to Hogwarts' vaults several times on business for Dumbledore as well as visits to his own vault, meager as it was by comparison. However, nothing could have prepared him for the spectacle that were the twenty-four vaults of the family Prince.

The Head Goblin unlocked one vault at a time. As each door opened a great groan of metal echoed throughout the subterranean space. Twelve vaults on the right were stacked full with galleons from floor to ceiling. Daphne and the Gringotts assistants checked ledgers against ledgers, accounting for every knut. 

The group moved to the left row of vaults which contained precious gemstones and noble metals. The first six vaults held blue diamonds, pink diamonds, white diamonds, jadite, rubies and emeralds, respectively. Daphne and the assistants inventoried the contents, cataloging every gem. Severus noticed Daphne took extra care and time on one particular blue diamond ring. It was not as large as some of the other rings nor any of the surrounding lose diamonds but it was exquisite, nestled in its platinum setting. The next four vaults held bars of gold, silver, platinum and palladium, respectively. The final two vaults were filled with family documents, property deeds, stocks, bonds, and older investment ledgers. Daphne methodical and meticulously surveyed and recorded every item and scrap of paper.  

The group gathered in a large glass office space that sat at the opposite end of the long hall. Daphne checked her figures against Gringotts on the inventory of all the vaults. Daphne dutifully examined each and every document and calculation down to the last knut. The total Prince net worth, including the properties, was a staggering 8 billion galleons or roughly £50 billion GBP, depending on the fluctuating exchange rate. Severus seemed a bit stunned but held his bearing swallowing hard to allow air to flow again into his lungs. Some amendments were made and a few provisions were added. Neder and Daphne were granted authorization with complete access to the vaults at any time on Severus' behalf. Their business concluded, Severus and Daphne left Gringotts and walked out onto the streets of Diagon Alley.

"Well, that was enlightening...and time consuming. Shall we have a bite of lunch, Miss Primrose?" Severus asked. 

"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Your Lordship," Daphne was famished, if truth be told. She only had time for toast and coffee that morning before rushing off to Prince House and it was well past 2 in the afternoon now. 

Severus suggested, "It's a nice day. Perhaps one of the street cafes would be in order. Have you eaten at Grumbles?" 

Daphne smiled, "yes, their sea trout is to die for!" 

Severus nodded, "Grumbles it is then." 

Seated at one of the outdoor tables, they lunched on seared prawns and fresh fillet of sea trout with purple carrots. They talked business and the experience at Gringotts. 

"If I'm honest, I wasn't prepared for those vaults. Neder told me there were several but I wholly admit to being totally gobsmacked," Severus confided. 

"It was rather breathtaking, your Lordship," Daphne confessed.

After lunch, they strolled about Diagon Alley chatting casually. Severus noticed more than a few heads turned as they walked the busy streets. Some people whispered. Some people stared in awe. Some younger ladies giggled, like star-struck school girls. He was beginning to feel more than a little uncomfortable. 

"Miss Primrose, I have a meeting for tea with an old colleague back at Prince House. There will be a small business matter as well. Would you mind attending?" 

Daphne answered, "Certainly, Your Lordship." 

The two left Diagon Alley to the gossipers and gawkers for the serenity of Prince House.

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