Glass Temples And Stones

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          "That was a pretty nasty trick you played Auset!" cried Nephthys in great judgment bursting into her sisters' chambers, "Under what circumstances do you feel such behavior is warranted!"                                              
          Auset washed the last bit of her ceremonial make up off and gently placed the soiled wash rag into a golden basin held by Andiah motioning for her to leave. Never seeing them quarrel before and not wanting to start she politely bowed and made herself scarce. Once she was out of earshot Auset leaned back in her seat shaking her two braids loose and stared up at her ceiling mural as she had so many times before.

"Do you think because you are a goddess you don't have to survive", she questioned plainly "does ambition to survive make one.... oh what did you so eloquently say dear sister.... ah yes 'nasty'?"

Stunned by the boldness in which she spoke Nephthys walked leisurely over to her sister's bed and sat down slowly not knowing exactly what she was hinting at but feeling exposed suddenly. She had known of her husband's true feelings in regard to their current arrangements but had never so much as even accidently uttered a word to her sister. The omission didn't come from a place of wanting to protect her husband but because she thought Set more bark than bite knowing the consequences they would endure if it was even mentioned let alone should he move against them. Surely, she couldn't know she thought anxiously to herself trying her best to not show how unsettled Auset's question had left her.

"Our grandfather in his own fit of jealousy forbade our mother to even give birth to us going so far as to decree she not give birth any day of the year.360 days and she was denied them all to give birth to us! If it had not been for our uncle's own cleverness when he gambled against Khonshu and won five more days for the year we would not even be having this conversation right now."

Nephthys expelled a silent sigh of relief happy that her own indiscretions or even worse her husbands were not the topic of conversation.

"So, this is about revenge? Auset that doesn't even sound like you!'' she exclaimed.

"Because it isn't.... Ra put forth the challenge on his own accord I simply found a means to win'', Auset said turning sideways smiling at her sister, " but even still I explained that to say  if you're asking me to feel remorseful for my methods given the circumstances id simply not be able to oblige."

Nephthys nodded her head in silent agreement for she could not argue with her sister's logic.  Though her method was downright devious she had been careful to not bring RA to his demise and for Nephthys to judge her sister would be complete hypocrisy given the benign betrayals she herself had committed.

"I'm not sure if your course of action surprises me more than the fact you made no mention of your plan to me. Auset you and I speak about everything", she began getting tearful her voice cracking under the pressure of her intense emotions mostly fear "For you to execute this plot seemingly out of nowhere to obtain Ra's power when you are already the most powerful goddess in just seems there is more you're keeping from me!"

Auset, distressed at her sister's outburst, sprung from her seat and walked hurriedly to her side to soothe her. Kneeling gently beside the bed she lovingly caressed her sisters' face bringing their foreheads together as Nephthys wept. Nephthys was not only filled with anxiety about her own deeds being discovered now that Auset was even more powerful but worried at what would drive her to such desperate measures going as far as to bring someone to the brink of death. She had always been clever and perhaps did in fact inherit that trait from their uncle, but there was an underlying sense of urgency in how she had gone about it that made Nephthys uneasy.

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