Hugh x Reader

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A/n: Hey everyone. I finally got back into writing mood. I had some other plan for this story but that wouldn't be so unique so I came up with totally new idea which is kinda wierd so don't get mad at me. Requested by Yodolehihoo Thank you soooo much requesting. Hope you like it and if you don't, tell me. I will write another one of your preference. Enjoy...

PS. I didn't proof read it so sorry for any mistake.

Hugh x Reader

(Y/n)'s POV~~~

"Liepard, hyper beam."

We ran into the corner to save ourselves from the incoming attack. I was currently with Hugh on the base of Team Plasma. They had built the rocket and now planning something evil. (A/N: I don't know if that's even possible, but I had no other idea to make it unique, so please go along with it.) Hugh had always hated team Plasma. I didn't mind fighting alongside of him. We were childhood friends and over the time, I had developed some feelings for that indigo-haired boy. We were planning to secretly sneak into the rocket, reach to the main leader, beat them and get away safely. But we had to change our plan slightly because I had sneezed at very wrong time. Now, we had to face the whole team. Hugh's Samurott was helping us along with my (Pokemon/name). They were too many in number so we had to run. I was running with many things storming around my mind. I didn't notice that they had come from the front too. I was lost in my thoughts and kept running. "(Y/n), watch out." Hugh's voice brought me into the reality and I stopped. I kind of panic when I saw 3 of team Plasma members in front of me with wide smirk, ready to turn us into the ashes. "This way." Hugh found a way, he took my hand and dragged me. The feel of his tough made me blush. '(Y/n) this is not the time for this.' I thought to myself.

We were running for like 15 minutes. Somehow we were able to lose them but not for too long. "Damn it." Hugh punched the wall beside him. He had always been a short tempered. I looked at his hand which might be paining from the recent punch. "Hey, it's fine. We can something I guess." I said nervously. To be honest, I didn't know what to do. "What do you mean 'do something', do you have any idea how dangerous this is?" He clearly yelled at me with anger in his eyes. I was taken aback by the tone of his voice. He had never talked to me like this before. I was shocked. He immediately realized his mistake and sighed. "I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't want to involve you in this. I don't want you to get hurt." He calmly explained. 'Wait, what? He cares about me.' I was happy inside but I was still in the shocked so I couldn't react on that. Before we could have anymore conversation, the members of Team Plasma found us. Hugh gritted his teeth and started running away and I followed. He turned in the corner and stopped. "(Y/n), go ahead and tell (Pokemon/name) to attack them." I obeyed and got ahead. I turned to face the Team Plasma members but I could only see walls around me. Hugh came close and pushed a button which separated up by the door. It took me a while to realize that I was into emergency escape rocket. "Hugh..." I tried to talk to him but he cut me out. "I'm sorry to drag you into this. Stay safe (Y/n)." He gave me a small smile at the end before the rocket started. He had to run away because the members of Team Plasma were still behind him. (Pokemon/name) who was with me in the rocket let out a sad cry. I didn't realize but by the time, I was crying. My mind filled with every negative possible outcome. 'What if he can't make it?' I was too scared to even move. (Pokemon/name) called out to me. I looked at it and gave it a small smile. I shouldn't be so weak. I wiped my tears and patted (Pokemon/name). The rocket landed on the ground and we got out. My eyes were still staring at the giant rocket. 'What would be going on?' I kept wondering. I couldn't help but pray. 'Please Hugh, come back safely. I haven't even confessed to you yet.' I stayed there without moving an inch. After 5 minutes or so, another rocket got detached from the main unit and...the main rocket got exploded. My eyes widened. The small rocket from before, landed in front of me. The only person I hoped to see now was Hugh. I ran towards the rocket and waited for it to open the door. "Hugh..." I called out his name when the door opened and revealed him. I was so glad that he was back but he wasn't in so good state. His eyes were closed and he was barely standing. He tried to take a step forward but fell on the ground. "Hugh." I went there and helped him. I took him to the nearest hospital.

***Time Skip***

It's been 2 days and Hugh was still on bed. He hadn't woken up after that accident. I didn't know what had happened to him on that rocket, but he was still breathing and that was enough to give me hope at least. I was there for him. I was there to see the moment when he wakes up, to congratulate him to defeat team Plasma. But sadly, with every passing second, my hope was fading. The doctors said that it was all upon fate. I took his hand in mine and remembered our every moments together. How sweet those childhood days were with him beside me. I couldn't help but fall more for him. My eyes were teary. I was brought back from my train of thoughts when I felt his finger move. "Hugh." I called out by surprise. The heart beat monitor beeped signaling that his heart beat was getting normal. His eyes flutter open and I kept starring at him with a huge grin. He looked at me with still weak eyes. "(Y/n)" He gently called out my name. My happiness was endless at that moment. My grip on his hand got tight and I sighed in relief. "Thank god Hugh, you're awake. I was so worried you know. How could you do that to me? I wanted to help, you sent me away and fought on your own. I was so scared that something would happen to you when I haven't even told you how much I love you." I spoke out everything that I had bottled up till now. When I said that last sentence, I realized that I said too much. I stopped and looked at him with nervous smile. He was shocked at first but then he gave me the cutest and sweetest smile ever. "I love you too (Y/n)." He moved his hand to back of my head and pulled me closer until our lips crashed. That was my first kiss. We pulled apart after a while. I was blushing madly. He smirked at me before pulling me into another kiss. And that's how the best couples of the world came together and their sweet love story started!!! (hehe, no offence to others)

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