Chapter 4

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It was now evening on the same day, and after declining Arthman's offer of dinner, I was now pacing worriedly backwards and forwards in my room. We'd had another theft. And it wasn't a pretty one. Once again, it was those safes. Davinia had left her sapphires in her safe in the room, and when she next looked for them (she had wanted to wear them for dinner) they had been gone. I had made a couple of enquiries, for example had the rooms been cleaned that day, which sadly they hadn't, but other than that the answers to pretty much all of my questions had been vague and unhelpful. Of course I knew how it had been done, but when and by whom I still didn't know, and it maddened me.

I decided to start on my questions technique again, sitting down on my bed to think. One, who is the thief? Two, why do they want the jewels so badly? Three, how did they steal the diamond ring? Four, how did they steal the ruby bracelet? Five, why does Stephenson have so many blue stamps? Six, who on earth is Arthman and how much does he know, and Seven, where are the jewels now?

I was also curious over Davinia's common behaviour and why Stephenson was so hard to crack, but they didn't really count as questions, I was just curious.

I was also annoyed that the thief had struck while I was staying at the hotel. Was he not afraid of me? It was terribly disheartening. Also, Newham had spent the entire day with Evangelyn, something else which vexed me greatly. I missed not having him in my company, although I would never admit it to his face.
Barnes and Fisher had been running around frantically all day, and every nook and cranny of the building had been searched at least twice. The sapphires were nowhere in sight. Davinia was in tears, and Mr. Savoy was threatening to sue. The country club staff were all in a panic, and it was all just too much distracting rubbish going on at the same time. Hence why I had declined dinner. No way was I going anywhere near people who would ask me questions.
There was a knock at my door. I got up to open it, and Dr. Scott was standing there.
"Have you got anything?" I asked excitedly, admitting him quickly and shutting the door, hoping nobody would see.
"Yes, actually. I've been talking to Mr. Hart, you know, about the theft of his wife's ring. he was very helpful, gave me a full run-down. They entered the room about half past five, as they were having an early dinner on their own. The table was the same as any other in the dining room. They ordered, had their starters, both opting for a soup, I think. Then, their main courses came, he had roast chicken, and she had a salad of some sort, She took her ring off then, apparently she didn't want to scratch it whilst eating. She then left the table to go to the washroom, and while she was away, a couple of waiters came to clear away the main courses. As they left, Mrs.Hart came back, and at once noticed her ring was missing."
"Why two waiters?" I asked instantly. "There were only two people at the Harts' table, surely one waiter would have been able to do the clearing up."
"That's what I thought!" Dr. Scott smiled. "There's more. I spoke to Catherine Kendel as well, but she wouldn't stop complaining about how one of the waiters spilt soup all down her dress. Of course, there's every chance she never took the ruby bracelet down at all, and it was taken from the safe. She's a batty thing, if you don't mind me saying."

"She sounds it" I murmured. We froze as there was a knock at my door.

"Dinner!" the maid called.

I pointed behind the bed frantically, and Dr. Scott obediently hid behind it. I composed myself, and opened the door, giving the timid little maid a steely glare. She offered the tray, and I took it out of her hands.

"I'll send for you when I'm done. Good evening" I snapped, putting the tray down on the side and going to shut the door.

"Good evening, ma'am" the maid trembled, as I shut the door in her face. I leant up against it, and breathed out as Dr.Scott stood up again.

"I'd better go" he said quickly, walking to the door. To check the coast was clear, I put my head out first, as if I had heard a noise, or something.

"Clear" I muttered, and Dr. Scott walked out calmly, as if nothing was amiss. I shut the door behind him and sat down to my dinner, thinking. I now knew that the ring had probably been taken when the waiters came to clear the plates away from the Harts' main course, and I guessed now it was just a case of distraction or something awfully simple like that, but what confused me was the risks being taken. I mean, compared to the safe jobs, the theft of the ring and the bracelet was incredibly high-risk. There seemed to be two characters here, either working together or...against each other! Could there be two different thieves here working at the same time, each trying to outdo the other? It was certainly possible, I thought, as I nibbled at my dinner. The high-risk low-risk jobs certainly gave that impression. There was almost a sense of theatricality to half of the thefts, the rest were nowhere as near as risky. I hadn't turned my mind to suspects yet, I wanted to know exactly how it was done first.

After leaving my dinner outside my door, I turned in for an early night. I felt like I had too much information in my head, and needed time to sort it out.

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