Chapter 8

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"Are you alright?" the driver asked, as I sat and opened and closed my mouth like a goldfish.

"Stephenson?" I finally blurted out. "I thought you were..."

"That's my brother. He's the butler, I'm just a driver. We're twins, you see. I'm Edward, and he's James" Edward Stephenson informed me. I nodded slowly.

"I see."

"It's sometimes a little disconcerting for guests" Edward carried on. "Seeing one face picking them up from wherever, sometimes London, sonetimes York, sometimes even Cardiff. That's a slog and a half, I'll say! Anyway, seeing one face drive their bags away to the back door, then the same one smile welcomingly at them from the lobby, can get a few people wondering whether they're quite all right in the head, if you know what I mean?" He laughed at his own joke. I decided that this could be quite a pleasant journey, so I kept up the conversation as the cart bounced along.

"It must be" I agreed. "Tell me about yourself" I then added, settling myself for a long trip.

"Well, er, there isn't much to tell" Edward laughed. "Really, there isn't. Our father runs a odds and ends shop in London. Sometimes I go and visit him, when I take passengers to and from London."

"What's the shop called?" I asked.

"It's near Victoria Grove" Edward replied. "It's not the most obvious of things to spot. Stephenson's Ends, it's called. You can get anything from hats to fire stokers there. It's falling under hard times, though,  sadly. Most of mine and James's wages go to Father so he can keep it up and running."

I sighed, smiling sympathetically.

"I remember once, when James and I were little, Father bought a big ivory elephant into the shop. We used to sit on it all the time, James and I. We were devastated when it got sold. That was back in the days when buisness was better" he said wistfully.

"Well, maybe I'll drop in sometime when I'm back in London" I smiled again.

"Father would love you if you did" Edward laughed. "He barely gets anyone in the shop these days. Sorry, am I chattering too much,  ma'am?" he then asked quickly.

"No, it's rather enjoyable, why do you ask?" I replied suprisedly. Edward sighed.

"Only I was warned you might have a bit if a hangover when I picked you up, and you might have wanted to rest your eyes. I know all about sleeplessness, with my insomnia and all."

"You should take something for that" I advised.

"I do" Edward sighed. "I have sleeping pills I take before bed. I used to have a powder to put in my tea, but it did all sorts of strange things to my head. Made me mix up my dates, end up in the wrong place at the wrong time, made me forget stuff I'd done the previous day, that sort of thing. Very strange."

"Extremely" I agreed. "Are you sure you didn't take an overdose?"

"That's what James decided" Edward sighed. "He was the one who made me change my prescription. I'm so grateful, since I started on these pills everything's been spick and span."

"I'm glad" I smiled. "What's it like having an identical twin?"

"Hilarious fun!" Edward laughed. "Especially when you swap places. That's the best trick to play. James and I used to do it all the time when we were little. He would go and play with my friends and I'd go and play with his, and none of them would know the difference! We laughed so hard, ma'am, we did."

"I can imagine!" I smiled.

"I remember, we had an aunt at one time.  Strict Catholic. Neither me or James liked her very much. So, we'd wear the same clothes, sit the same way, do the same sorts of things, order the same food at dinner, that sort of thing. Then, whenever she addressed one of us as James, the other would reply, and then when she adressed the other as Edward, the first would reply. We also tended to swap places as soon as there was a distraction, and then tell her she was talking to the wrong twin!"

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