↜ Chapter 5 ↝

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Timeturner and Daisy sat by a table in the hut that Daisy had added awhile ago

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Timeturner and Daisy sat by a table in the hut that Daisy had added awhile ago. In front of them there lay an unrolled scroll filled with messy writing.

"Can you actually read this?" Timeturner asked as she stared at the RainWing that was scrunched down over the scroll with her claw gently dragging down the lines.

"Of course. I wrote this. Can you not?" Daisy replied, twirling around a pen around with her tail.

"At least read it out loud for me. Nightwing's are taught how to properly write!" Timeturner joked, flaring her wings to show the stars that seemed to dance under them. A grin spread across her face for a second as she mimicked a boastful dragon from her tribe that Daisy had sworn she had seen before. What was their name... Portent? They had a weirdly short name, that was for sure.

"Are you sure about that? Because I've never seen you write a word!" Daisy said with conviction, her scales turning lavender and gold, making her look almost like a newly bloomed waxflower during sunrise.

Timeturner was dead silent for a second, just staring at Daisy with such an askance head she wondered what she had done to confuse her so heavily. Suddenly, the Nightwing's droopy ears flicked forward and she chuckled, quickly snatching the feather pen from Daisy's tail and taking a blank scroll from the racks on the wall. Sprawling the blank parchment onto the table, Timeturner dipped the pen into the ink before starting to write. Her writing was swift, but from what Daisy could see, it was as elegant as the wings of a humming bird. After a minute or two, she rolled back up the scroll and handed it to the Rainwing calmly. Daisy unfurled the parchment, though didn't bother to read it out loud.

Daisy, you should come over and visit the Nightwing village sometime. Especially since I've been to your village. It would only be fair. What do you say?

The Rainwing glanced up at her new friend and chuckled, her ears flicking up and turning a sunny yellow. "Sure! Sounds lovely! Maybe tomorrow? That fits my... nonexistent schedule." She chuckled right before snatching the pen back and setting it back in the ink pot. Though she kept her scales in check, Daisy was frankly shocked at the neat and fancy handwriting. "But uhm, shouldn't we focus on the scroll you wanted to read?"

Timeturner had a blank stare for a second before chuckling at her own foolishness, she didn't seem to be in the right headspace at the moment. Daisy wondered if everything was okay, since the Nightwing didn't really want to be without her for awhile even though they just met. Was she avoiding something? No matter, it wasn't any of Daisy's business. "Y-yeah. Sorry I got us sidetracked..." Timeturner apologized, a new, guilty air hanging over her

"O-oh don't worry about it! There's still plenty of time left before I have to go home!" Daisy said quickly with a smile, though glanced out the door just to make sure. A look of anguish crossed her face all of a sudden, and she dropped her pen. "Ack! I forgot I promised to meet up with Dragonfruit today! He's gonna be so mad at me! I hope you understand that I have to go, but I'll see you tomorrow!" Even though she felt terrible about it, she bolted up and raced through the door, quickly shooting into the trees and swinging across them as quickly as she could manage.

Timeturner sat in the cabin for awhile as her apologetic smile morphed into a frown. "Now who is 'Dragonfruit'?" She hissed under her breath, getting up and tying the scrolls again before putting them back into their slots. Every scale in her body was screaming at her to stop cleaning up the place and to do something useful. With each second that passed it became harder and harder to focus on her task, and she ended up breaking a piece of the shelf when she wasn't paying attention. Oh no! Daisy will be so mad... don't you think?

Daisy rushed through the rainforest, finally landing in a rocky clearing and going limp on a mossy boulder, too tired to move anymore. "Sorry I'm late..." She panted, glancing up at the bright red dragon standing grumpily in front of her.

"You should be. It was you who wanted to talk to me anyway. You know it's risky for me to be this close to the RainWing village, so let's go for a walk." Dragonfruit grimaced, grabbing Daisy by her wing and pulling her to her feet. It had been tough to get him to speak to her after all these years, so she didn't hesitate to follow the SkyWing. She always felt bad about dragging him so close to the village, knowing he would hate it if he got caught. It was easy to mix him up as an angry RainWing from a distance, but someone would notice sooner or later that the thin dragon didn't have any frills, and Dragonfruit couldn't risk that. Come to think of it, she didn't actually know his real name, all the knew was that 'Dragonfruit' was a code name just in case anyone accidentally mentioned him. "So what did you want me to do about your missing pet problem anyway?" He scowled, flaring his wings as a bit of smoke billowed from his snout. The SkyWing was definitely angrier than usual... terrifying.

"I-I need you to spy on the NightWing village to see if they have any leads on where Blossom could be..." Daisy admitted nervously, snatching her wing back from him so he could no longer drag her.

Dragonfruit paused in his steps and stared at her before laughing a little. "All this for a scavenger? Alright, not like I care as long as I get paid still." That was all he cared about, being able to make money. Unfortunately for Daisy, the RainWings didn't use money, which made her part just a bit more difficult. But there were some things in the rainforest that sell for a lot in the other kingdoms, so she handed him some of the things she had brought with her, careful not to expose them. This... wasn't technically allowed in her tribe, so she had to make sure no one knew what she was trading for a simple scavenger. Dragonfruit quickly slid the objects into a pouch of his before sending her a grin. "Pleasure doing business with you, dewdrop." And with that, he was off.

It's been... awhile since I last updated this, but I hope it meets your guy's expectations! I worked really hard on it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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