A bit of info for a reader

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Hey Evevryone

I am writing the book as we speak now and once the book is completed I will post it. I set my deadline for Christmas and I don't know how long it would be to edited. Once the book is finished and edited I post it and I will delete this mesage. I am sorry for not posting the chapters but I am trying to jugle 3 books and once and with the college work.

I will try my best to finish the books soon as I can :)

Till when

SecretOne 17


Hey everyone I have a slit est problem with the book. I have no idea what to write on the next chapter. i tried brain storming but every time my mind goes numb, but i promise you that i will try to think of something. if you have any idea just post it here.

update update

HI everyone

i started reading this book that so it would give me any ideas what to write for the next chapter and i spoted some mistakes like it gets confusing when she is speaking in her mind and when she is speaking out loud so i am going to change that. second is that there is not allot of discription and lastly i am going to split paragrapth because it blags my mind when i read everything in one go.

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