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Once the Weasley/Potter clan exited the train and saw the multiple buildings that they recognized. One of these being the burrow. The four new arrivals shared looks with each other of shock and excitement. All of them ran as fast as their young legs could take them to the oddly shaped home of the Weasleys.

Ginny was the first one there and basically knocked down the door with how hard she knocked on the door. Molly Weasley opened the door and put a hand over her mouth with utter shock. She then broke the silence by calling "Everyone down here now" then she hugged her youngest daughter followed by her son and their spouses Harry and Hermione. Hugs were shared all around everyone getting reacquainted with each other. They all ate lunch that Molly had prepared. After they had finished their meal Harry and Ginny both stood up holding hands. Harry started with "Molly..." before he had a chance to finish Molly answered the question she was sure to come. "They live in the same house in Godrics Hollow, you can apparate there." "Thank you, Mum," Ginny said. Then both of them walked out of the house, and side apparated to Godric's Hollow.

They appeared at the entrance of the village of Godric's Hollow, and walked down the main village street. Harry then suddenly stopped in front of a house that was no longer broken. Ginny noticed how her husband was nervous and scared so she squeezed his hand in order to comfort him. Harry smiled at his wife and kissed her "Thank you" he said while looking straight into her eyes. They then started walking over to the front door when they heard talking coming from the backyard. Ginny then squeezed his hand while pulling him towards the back. She stayed back while Harry walked further towards the yard. Harry recognized three of the voices to be his godfather Sirius Black, former professor Remus Lupin, and Nymphadora Tonks. He immediately grabbed Ginny's hand to pull her along to meet his parents.

As soon as Harry stepped into the yard he spotted the familiar grey eyes of Sirius Black turn and stare his godson down. Tonks looked like she was starting to cry. Harry then interrupted the silence with "Hey" Sirius and Remus immediately engulfed him in a hug. Harry could also feel that Ginny had broken apart from his hand. Remus then introduced the two people standing awkwardly as Harry's parents Lily and James. Lily put her hand over her mouth in a state of pure shock as her little boy was all grown up. James then smiled his Potter smile and started crying happy tears when saying"My son, we've missed you" Lily then follows her husband with "My boy" then both of the older Potters engulf their son in a hug.

While the Potters were having a moment Sirius turned to Ginny"Well if it isn't Ginny Weasley?" "Sirius you're wrong. I'm not a Weasley, I got married after the war" "Well then what is your last name?" "She just smiles at Harry who just walked over to her, wanting to have Sirius find out for himself. "No" Sirius looks shocked. "Yes," Harry tells his godfather. James just frowns and says "What am I missing" Remus just smiles and says "there are now four Potters" "seven" Ginny corrects him. "WHAT!" Sirius starts to freak out.

Harry then explains it to him, "Sirius, me and Ginny got married a couple of years after the war, then we had three kids." "What are their names?"Lily asks the couple. Ginny answers,"James Sirius Potter, Albus Severus Potter, and Lily Luna Potter." " Harry then continues "But Lily married Lysander Scamander so now it's Lily Luna Scamander" "Well Harry, how is Teddy? Is he a werewolf?" asks Remus.

"Oh, Teddy is great, he was an auror before he retired. He is not a werewolf, he just gets cranky during the full moon, he also married Victoire Weasley; Bill and Fleur's eldest daughter." Tonks then starts to ask her own questions "What house was he in? Does he play quidditch? What about  his grades?"

"Woah slow down Tonks," Ginny started."He was in Hufflepuff, and head boy. He did not play on the quidditch team at school but he played at home with the other kids. And he was rather smart" Tonks turned to Remus "Remus,he's a perfect mix of the two of us" He just replied with "Yes Dora" then she kissed him deeply. "I love you" "I love you too" he replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2020 ⏰

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