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(I am just going to warn you from the beginning that I have not watched either of these shows in years so if I fuck something up please don't eviscerate me)



Online schooling does wonders when you are busy all the time, or fighting ghosts and ruling a kingdom full of them. It also makes it easier to travel and deal with problems that are constantly moving! Like a large mass of spectral energy that is somehow following wind currents around the world like some kind of fucking ghost energy storm, and it keeps creating portals into the Ghost Zone, so you have to following the fucking energy to make sure nothing malevolent gets out! So yeah! Convenience!

Since our darling little boy Daniel Fenton-Phantom has to follow this little storm since he is in charge of the ghosts and portals opening is kind of a big deal, he is taking online schooling! It is actually quite helpful as well, since Danny is free to take the courses when he can, and not run out of class to fight a ghost every half hour, he is ahead in classes at the moment and will most likely finish his junior year coursework before summer even starts.

The most recent place the storm has drug him, thankfully over land for now, is Gotham City. Home of crime, murder, and everyone's (especially Sam's) favoritisms goth superhero! And also the lovely home of his twin brother Richard "Dick" Greyson. Danny has kept tabs on him most of both their lives after adoption (it's not to hard when he is adopted by a famous billionaire) and feels relatively comfortable with his safety at least. I mean this might just be his obsession talking but he wishes his brother would live somewhere else, but... Batman does tend to show up anytime Dick is in trouble so..... . It's alright with Danny I guess. He might even pay little Dickiebird a visit while he is in town!

He sat on the edge of a rooftop watching the sky, you can't see the stars through the smog, clouds, and light. And the starless sky leaves an empty and uneasy feeling deep in his core.

This was the first chapter! Tell me what you think and what you want to see! Warning ⚠️ updates might be inconsistent

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