Chapter 1

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After a good bit of time spent wallowing in that empty core feeling and just a little bit of procrastination, Danny finally crawls up off his ass and flies down from the building to get a hotel room for the night. Apparently being Ghost King comes with a lot of money and treasures, so at least he hasn't been short on money.

He shifts back to human in an alleyway behind the building he had been sitting on and then waltzes back onto the street to starting his hotel hunt. A good bit of the buildings have some minor damage to them or are even closed, but honestly he can't blame them, this isn't the nicest part of town.

He eventually settles on staying in a little hotel closer towards the nicer part of the city, and the sign outside says they have open rooms. He walks into the slightly rundown looking hotel, pushing the squeaky double door open and walks up to the counter where a tired looking teen girl with a name tag that says 'Lula' sits while playing on her phone. He chuckles lightly and shouts out "hey there" to catch her attention, and she fumbles her phone and sits up with a small and forced smile.
"Hello sir! What can I do for you?" She asks
"I need a week in whatever room you have available"
"Alright just a moment"
She gets Danny set up in one of the nicer rooms they have and doesn't even bat an eye when he pays with a wad of cash probably a common occurrence here he thinks to himself.
Once he is handed the key he takes his luggage (a backpack and a duffel bag) is to the room and slips into the shower. He flops onto the bed after he is done and is asleep almost instantly.


He wakes up to sunlight shining through the thin blinds and straight into his eyes. Yay. He crawls out of bed and puts on a pair of dark blue jeans and a black NASA hoodie. Then grabs his wallet and room keys and heads off to explore the city and grab some breakfast and coffee.


There is actually a Starbucks in Gotham apparently, which is fantastic news for our little caffeine addicted halfa. He happily walks up to the counter and orders a large black coffee with 4 shots of expresso, much to the horror of the employees. He can't help it! Human coffee doesn't have much affect on him! He also adds in a bagel. The barista behind the counter hands him the drink and bagel with an awestruck look that makes Danny's mood a hell of a lot better.

After crunching down his bagel in less than a minute, once again to the horror of the employees, he happily skips outside to wander around town and see what he can get up to.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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