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A land fully dominated by trees and thick undergrowth spoke it's borders with an unending voice... Wait, that doesn't sound right.

Hit restart... A bloody hell long ago, in a land wholly covered by infinite...screw it: This ain't some magic-dust-princess-prince fairytale. Welcome to Rock Valley, a town abandoned by the world. Lonely is it's middle name - that is, if towns have middle names. Rock Valley sat in the middle of a massive forest, with only the internet and a dying tarmac road acting as the only bridge to the outside world.

Well, of course one can make it to the outside world through the forest with faith, determination and hard work but then that would be false hope.

You will die.

Whoever named this town must have been blind and fallen into a ditch and spent his entire life in there thinking it's a Valley. This place was as flat as a Minecraft block's phase, covered with a thick forest and undergrowth that harboured the most dangerous creatures in the entirety of the planet. Forget the lions and Panthers lurking around in the forest. Those overstated meow-meow coward cats were no match for the large black scorpions and gigantic tarantulas crawling the wilderness. Backed up by fat, hissing centipedes with long green fangs dripping with red glowing venom, the arachnids transformed that forest from a military weapon training ground to their unshaken territory.
One sting or bite from these badboys will send you on a direct  trip to heaven - or hell, your fancy.  The trip is made possible by the first class trains that go by the name pain. They come in a variety; unbearable, insufferable, unendurable, agonizing or racking. You only pick your favorite and: Bon Voyage.
No human or animal had ever survived. Any living thing that got stung or bit succumbed to the venom and pain.

But those were nothing compared to what I'm about to narrate to you.

The Rock Valley resident's fear was completely taken from the arachnid faction to an uncomprehendable  anomaly.

Please, before we begin, if you're not comfortable with blood or gore, I suggest you hit that home button, head over to YouTube and search for the best coffin dance memes or help Dora find the ocean.

Like seriously.

So you chose death, eh? Alright let's carry on.

A normal day it was in Rock Valley. And in normal I mean dark cloudy skies, deserted streets and trees trees trees encompassing the small town. A few shrieks from the neighbors' houses reminded you to always check inside your shoes for either tarantulas or centipedes before jabbing that foot into them. Not only shoes but also pants, jackets, shirts or anything that came into contact with your skin. Which reminds me of one time that I wore a trouser filled with tarantulas. Of course I hadn't seen them, I just picked a trouser from my closet and next thing I felt were hairy things crawling up and down my thighs.

Those venomous idiots wait for that exact moment you've tightened the belt so that they can strike. I instantly grabbed my buckle, but a bit too late. A thunder of pain struck my right leg after one of the bastards dug its three inch fangs into my flesh. I could tell the length by how deep the penetration was. The worst part was when the fangs hit my bone.

My vision blurred and the wooden floor finally met my face. I lay there paralyzed. I heard muffled voices and footsteps. My galactical scream of pain must have reached everyone. I wondered what folks in Pluto might have been doing at the moment. Probably not having spiders inside their trousers. 

I felt more tiny legs poking around my body. That devil birthed on me! Wait do Spiders give birth? Doesn't matter! More smaller fangs sunk into my flesh all around my body. Awwww, cute. But so freaking painful!

I heard the door cracking. I couldn't turn my head. My muscles were stifled.  The moron that burst the door off its hinges never knew I was right in front of it. The door landed hard on me. Curse the moron.

Why I cared about the door? Well here's the thing, I don't know what the tarantula was doing with its fangs out (Probably sharpening them and finessing to its babies) because when the door landed on me, the set of three inch long fangs instantly sunk into my left butt cheek. The door had landed on the tarantula and squashed it against my butt.



I should have been dead by that time but it seemed that the arachnids Faction had a meeting and researched on how to make the agony last.

The spiders skedaddled as someone sprayed me with the anti-arachnid stuff. But it was too late. My time had arrived. I felt the venom flowing in me.

Marcus, my elder brother, turned me and saw my pale face. He sympathetically watched as life slowly snuck away from me. Mum was crying her face off next to me. She knew nothing would save me.

Yeah...I died.

Where I am right now? I don't know. But it's way better than being in that small town. I never hated it, but for what was about to occur in the town, was much worse than how I died...

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