A Sans and a Drake

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"Crunch, crunch" Ah how Pain loved Snowden Town. Not the pun, just the place and especially the forest. It was so quiet and serine, perfect place to relax or practice her elemental magic. Just elemental, nothing else. You see, it wouldn't do her any good if Nightmare found out she was there, Cross had almost risked his life every time he teleported her here. She giggled when she remembered the first time Cross agreed to help her. Gods, how long ago was that? She walked her usual route through the forest, dodging the puzzles with ease. This time she didn't set one off! Her light orange, over sized sweater blew in the icy wind, yet she didn't feel it. She had learned long ago how to control her body heat, so honestly she could go buck naked in the snow, not that she wanted to anyway. She never took off her stockings for unsaid reasons, so her wardrobe only changed a little bit. She hummed "Memory" as she sat on her knees at the river, just simply watching the water go by.

The occasional ice chunk drifted by, adding to the calm of Snowden forest. Then, she had an idea. If echo flowers could grow underground... why not other flowers? Her eyes shone for a bit as she started manifesting a white ball of energy that turned into a seed, she didn't know what kind, but she still wanted to protect it. It was a small red seed pod that looked very much like a cranberry, she held it in her hands before scooping out the snow and loose dirt underneath her. She had a nice round hole now, and gently placed the seed in it before covering up the hole. She then focused her energy on the river, pulling over a small amount of water on the soil. She sighed when she stopped, wiping off the sweat she didn't know she had. She half chuckled half grimaced at her work, rubbing the back of her head nervously.

"Ah, well. At least I tried!" She thought. She leaned back against a tree, just watching the river and the snow fall. So quiet, so peaceful. Gods she loved this AU, whatever one it was anyway. She started to drift off into a deep sleep..."PAPYRUS, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Welp, so much for sleeping. She begrudgingly got up and stretched the sleep out of her, all while traveling towards the voice. To be honest, Pain was kinda excited to see what Sans lived here. She flapped her wings once or twice, trying to make them work. They surprisingly lifted her up, a shower of snow getting kicked up from liftoff. Now that Pain had a birds eye view of Snowden, she could easily see the main path through the forest, and the skeleton that walked along it. She swooped down, feeling the wind blow through her hair. She landed with a "thump" and a roll as she became a trip hazard for anyone walking by, which is exactly what happened.

 She landed with a "thump" and a roll as she became a trip hazard for anyone walking by, which is exactly what happened

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(Wait, crap he doesn't have a nose. Eh, just imagine one. Also, its fellswap.  Don't worry everyone gets the name wrong.)

The skeleton tripped over Pain and stumbled before looking over to see the cause of his misfortune. Pain blinked and got back on her feet, brushing off her sweater. She gasped when she finally comprehended color and vision, her pupils turning into star shapes and wagging her tail. "OHMYGODSYOURSOCUTEANDEDGY!!!" She started squealing and jumping up and down like a child, before the skeleton threatened her with a jagged red bone. "Who the hell are you, and give me a reason why I shouldn't dust you this instant?" Pain giggled and let her eyes return to normal. She thought about it for moment before pushing the bone down with a finger and smiling. "I'm Pain! Pain Immamura! Mayyyybe if you get lucky in the future, I'll tell you my real name. As for your second question..." She tilted her head a bit and closed her eyes.  She literally looked like the representation of purity at that point. 

"Well, I guess this is the only reason I can think of... so here I go!" Her smile  disappeared in an instant,  and her eyes no longer had that happy shine they usually held. No, this was different...  her facial expressions looked exactly like Hate's. "To put it simply, I kicked nightmares ass and took control of the "Bad Guys", the only reason he isn't dead is because he could  be a valuable pawn in the chess game I play." Once she finished talking, an eerie silence filled Snowden forest. It was as if the entire underground was holding its breath, waiting for the fate of one Sans Wingdings. Then Pain started laughing, a happy pure laugh while holding her sides. "Oh man, you should have seen the look on your face! It was true, The skeleton was sweating blue droplets of magic and had the Multiverse's versus most " I'm going to shit my pants from fear " look on his face. He scowled and stomped off in the general direction of the ruins, while Pain happily walked behind him.

"So uh, where we goin Mr. Edgy pants?" The skeleton said only that if Pain had indeed fought Nightmare and won, she  already knew his nickname. He also said that he doubted that she had even seen Nightmare before, based on her general positivity. She huffed and thought about it for a second before asking if his nickname was Raspberry. He only grunted and crossed his arms, so Pain took that as a yes. It was quiet for a moment, besides the crunching of their footsteps and the occasional gust of stale wind blowing snow in Pain's hair. Then, Pain smelled smoke. More specifically, cigarette smoke. She started dragging Raspberry by the hand and led him off the main path. She didn't answer his questioning  or even acknowledged that he didn't want to be dragged and that she was pushing her luck. No, she smelled it, it was stronger now. She ran faster now, eventually just leaving Ras to catch up to her later. She was almost there, and Ras was just a little bit behind her before she stepped into the little clearing that Fellswap Papyrus was sitting in. He blinked and continued smoking his cigarette, before he saw Sans behind her.

"H-hello M'lord. Please don't be mad."

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