Chapter FortyOne

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I groaned parking my car, I have a major headache from last night party and my boss wants to tell me last minute that I have to come in to work.

I almost quit my job but Roddy took the phone from me before I could even say anything.

"Kamya I need you to work late tonight with Devin" Ms.Kerry said.

"Why" I asked. "Don't ask any questions just do what I say" She said walking to her office.

"Bitch" I said lowly. "Excuse me" She turned back around.

"Nothing" I rolled my eyes. I stopped by Addison office to see was she here.

I opened her door and seen her laid out on the floor with a pillow and a blanket. "Addison" I whispered yelled kicking her softly.

"Hmm" She looked up wiping her mouth. "Wake up" I laughed.

"I'm sleepy and that hoe wants me to work late tonight she got me fucked up" Addison said.

"She just told me to stay with Devin tonight, she know I don't like him" I told her as I sat in her chair.

"I'm not staying if she wanna fire me she can I'll just become a stripper" She shrug.

"Don't leave me" I begged. "Fine" She rolled her eyes laying back down.

"Now get out so I can go to sleep" She mumbled as I laughed getting up.

"Kamya get to work" Ms.Kerry yelled.

Ever since she turned into our new boss after our old boss retired, this job been stressful. Been working late a lot and these new people she hired is really disrespectful.

"Who are you" I asked seeing someone sitting in my office.

He turned around and my eyes widen, it's the dude from last night that was watching me.

"Are you Kamya" He asked as I nodded slowly.

"You dropped this last night and I just wanted to give it too you" He said passing me my purse.

"Thank you, and how did you know I work here" I asked him.

"I looked in your purse and seen your business card so I came here" He smiled.

"Well thank you but I have to get to work now" I said as he nodded. "See you later" He winked walking out.

I closed the door once he left, now he's really creeping me out. I don't even remember losing my purse last night, maybe I was too drunk but he gives me really creepy vibes.

I heard a knock at my door making me look up from my phone. "Yes" I said.

"I heard we're going to be working together, you still with Roddy?" Devin smirked.

"Devin yes I'm still with him, now unless you wanna die I suggest you to leave me alone" I told him.

"Alright, but when y'all break up let me know" He said leaving.

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