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"Lilli, what's the answer to number 5?"

I'm sitting in a classroom, room 108. That's pre-calculus, by the the way. I know the answer to number 5, so I tell Mr. Widdarski. "X=17.49." I say quietly. I'm not sure he even hears me, but he says I'm correct and writes the answer on the board. I go back to doodling in my notebook. It's a little cartoony character of my best friend, Sierra. She doesn't go to our school, because she moved a few years back. I miss her, because without her I'm, well, I'm kind of a social outcast. I only have a few close friends besides her, and half the time, I question my friendships with them. It isn't because I'm a bad person or anything along those lines. High schoolers, at least, most high schoolers, just aren't for me. They're immature and overly concerned with the way they look. That doesnt constitute all high schoolers, of course, only 

The doodle I'm making of Sierra really resembles her. She has light brunette hair with blonde highlights running through it, which are the remnants of her used-to-be neon blue, which was really gorgeous. I'm actually going with her this weekend to get them redone. Her hazel eyes are big and glittery in the picture, even though they're just drawn with a pencil. Her nose is just a small curved line because I suck at drawing noses. There's a half-smile on her face, somewhat on the side. It's similar to her usual smirk. I draw a little scribble on both cheeks to show her rosy cheeks. I'm tempted to change it into one of her silly faces, but I leave it at her little smirk, the one that says, 'I know something.'

The days kind of oozes by, slow and steady, from there. I continue my doodles in every one of my classes. Now Sierra is standing in the middle of a forest, with trees and flowers surrounding her. The sun shines little beams of light down on her. I dress her up in a plaid button-up shirt that isn't buttoned, with a tank underneath, along with skinny jeans that I imagine being red. I put a pair of knee-high boots on her, completing Sierra Kinley.

Finally, the final bell rings, and I pack my stuff, starting my walk home. I don't live very far, so it's only about 10 minutes out of my life. And I don't have the money to buy a car right now, so this is what I've gotta do. I pass buildings and people and faces. Some I know, some I don't. I look up at the side of a building.

It's covered in graffiti. The pictures swirl around the bricks like paint on canvas. It's eye catching. I can't explain it, but it's just so beautiful.

"Ohmigod." I whisper as I take it all in.

"You like it?" I hear a voice appear next to me. I look over and see a guy that I faintly recognize. Does he go to my school? I think so. He has dark eyes that have small specks of green, and even darker hair, almost black. His body is slightly toned, and he's taller then I am. His facial features are all really sharp. I definitely recognize those eyes. They're the kind of eyes you just don't forget.

"You made this?" I ask, my mouth practically dropping to the ground as he gives me a small nod and a smile.

"It's beautiful. Gorgeous really. I've never seen..." I trail off, reaching out to touch the painted bricks. He's managed to blend together beautiful colors and faces and places creating something indescribable. Its not often a person gets the privledge of witnessing something so artful.

"Seems like you have an eye for art." That deep voice fills my ears, making me smile a little. He had no idea, yet he just knew.

"Yeah. I paint a little. And doodle." A miniscule laugh escapes my lips.

"Good to hear. I'd love to see your art sometime."

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Ben. Who're you?" I knew I recognized him! He was Ben Caster, a year above me.

"I'm Lilli." I shoot Ben a smile, and he smiles right back.

"Well, Lilli, I'd better go. But I would like to see your art sometime." And with that, he hopped on his skateboard and rode away.

"You'll see it sooner than you think.." The words come out under my breath as I keep walking down the road, heading for home.

* *

Hey world! Well, here's the prologue to The Artist(: I hope you liked it! Excuse the shortness.

I know, I suck.

But, don't worry! Chapter 1 will be out "Sooner than you think.." ;D

Ok, but seriously. Vote, fan, comment?



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