Not an update

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Hey everyone! 👋

I know it's been a while, and that all of you are disappointed that this isn't an update. You might be wondering what all of this is about. I've decided that I'm temporarily discontinuing this book. Recently I've not been able to focus on my studies as I have a lot of other things on my plate right now, and having a book to write is something which will just make matters worse.

I know I've said that I will update the book weekly, but my life at my new school requires me to pay a lot of attention to my academics. My latest test results haven't been up to my standards, and I keep finding myself getting too distracted my other things. I want to improve on my studies more than anything else, therefore I am not going to update this book in a while.

I already have an idea for what I'm going to write for chapter 2, so I might update that before September. Other than that, you probably can't expect much from me until October.

I need time to reflect on my studies and work attitude and work harder, as in my opinion, studies comes before my hobbies.

I hope all of you will understand and be more patient while I take the time to reflect and improve in my studies. However, I promise that once the exams are over, chapters will be spilling out like water from a jug.

Lily 🌸

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