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"Taehyun, why the hell are you sleeping outside your hut? Are you out of your mind? If you get sick who would take care of the flock? I had enough ..." His father rambled at him early in the morning. He stood up, unfazed. He made it his habit not to give in to his father's tauntings. He, out of all people, knew that if he does, trouble will await him. He walked towards the peaceful stream. It's water glimmering under the warm rays of the sun, invitingly. He stoop low and washed his face.

The young shepherd set off with his flock. Since he just turned 20, he has less sheep than the others (500 in total). The flock moved slower than usual that he had more time to check the surroundings for potential trouble and get rid off some poisonous plants. "Excuse me, do you think these berries are edible?" Taehyun jolted a bit. He was surprised. Since when did that person get so close to him? He may be young but his reflexes won't disappoint him. His travels from mountain to another sharpened his instincts. "Are you okay?" The other asked. The slightly taller young man before him have fluffy raven locks almost covering his eyes. 'I'm sure he didn't see me got startled with that long hair of his, right?' He thought. "Did I scare you? I'm sorry." The other said but with a pout. "No, I'm good. I was just startled to see someone who managed to pick a bunch of poisonous berries in one go." The shepherd said as he eyed the berries. Taehyun looked at him again and noticed that he was slightly blushing. 'Was he embarassed? Cute.' Taehyun thought. The flock, like a group of clouds, silently approached them. "You shouldn't be embarassed. You may have picked poisonous ones but it's still good because you have managed to pick a lot." He paused then continued, "Come with us. I will teach you how to pick berries leaving the poisonous ones out." He smiled.

Taehyun had fun with the stranger as they both learn from one other. One learned how to distinguish poisonous plants from those that are not. The other learned about the world outside his green pastures. "I am lucky to have met you. If it weren't for you, I would have poisoned both of us.", chuckled the beautiful stranger, his whole face now exposed because of the wind. Charming. Taehyun never believed in luck for once in his life but having the one beside him discuss it with passion in his eyes makes him want to believe it. Maybe he is lucky. He may have a 'not so good' father but he is blessed with a lot of other things.
His thoughts were interrupted when someone poked his cheek. "Here, now I'm sure it ain't poisonous." Taehyun grabbed it from the other and smiled. "Your name, what is it?" The shepherd asked as he tried to make eye contact. "Hueningkai." the other answered with a blush.

Come to Me (TYUNNING/HUEKANG AU)Where stories live. Discover now