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Another week of happiness and love went by. The young couple's love for each other bloomed like flowers in spring. The fragrance, so sweet, that even the birds cannot resist but to sing beautifully for them. On Monday, Hueningkai brought some flowers for Taehyun. They went on a trip down the stream on Tuesday. Wednesday is for their time together under the moon as they admire the stars. Taehyun invited and cooked for Hueningkai at his home on Thursday. They camped at the foot of the mountain on Friday and woke up together on Saturday morning. Today is Sunday. Taehyun guided his flock earlier so that he could spend more time with his Hyuka in the afternoon. He reminisced the time he had at the trail alone. He couldn't believe that he was so lonely before. Just how did he manage to live like that? Hueningkai really did change him. Honestly, he doesn't know how he'll live without the sunshine anymore.

Afternoon came quickly. Taehyun waited for his lover at the foot of the mountain. While waiting, he saw a bunch of berries, poisonous ones. He giggled for it reminded him of how he met his Hyuka. Cold wind blew to his direction making him shut his eyes. He opened them slowly, regretting nothing because before him stands the most beautiful creature, his man. He smiled and went for a hug, the taller hugged him back. "Hyuka, what took you so long? What are we going to do today?" He asked looking at the nymph, not letting go of the hug. Something's off. He could feel that Hueningkai is hiding something from him. He looked at him with concerned eyes. Hueningkai finally spoke, "Sorry. I have something that I never told you about. Do you still remember when I asked you about nature gods?" Taehyun nodded, puzzled. "It's hard to explain. So, let me just show you instead." Hueningkai stepped back, letting his Hyunie break away from the hug. He felt empty. He took a deep breathe and snapped his finger.

Taehyun couldn't believe his eyes. The creature before him was already beautiful but with his wings exposed, he could easily snatch away Apollo's throne. "So ..." The nymph said looking away. "So? Hueningkai, I-" Hueningkai covered his mouth, palm facing his lips. "I know, it's shocking and weird but let me explain. I am an air nymph, son of the Wind god. I never intended to lie to you about my identity. I was about to tell it when I confessed because I thought I'll get rejected. I didn't take you loving me back as an option so I was kind of shocked, because I was happy, that time that I forgot to tell you about it. Am I making sense? I am panicking. What if I hurt your feelings and make you cry? They say humans hate liars. Do you hate me now?" Hueningkai stopped talking only to catch his breathe. Taehyun had heard enough already. He tiptoed and planted a kiss on Hueningkai's lips, the nymph's hand still in between.

"You're really not mad?" Hueningkai asked the shepherd for the fifth time. "Hyuka, I'll get mad if you drop me because you are not focused on flying. I swear, you'll end me." he said as his grip gets tighter around Hueningkai's neck. He buried his face on his lover's chest even if his eyes are already tightly shut. He wanted to travel before and loved the wind caressing his face but flying is a very different thing. He wondered why he agreed to it.

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