Waking up

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Scattered items surrounded the grassy area. Amidst them, deep in their sleep, laid a teen. They rolled around, the unusual surface and the unusual cold aiding in their discomfort. They stirred awake, hands covering their eyes as they sat up.

" Weird..." [Name] muttered. The forecast has been warning of a week filled with rain and storms. They patted around, hands unconsciously searching for the heavy sheet, instead they relentlessly combed through the grass, fingertips digging in the soil. Their blurry vision took in the surrounding area " Weird... Since when did my bed turn a dark grassy green field..."

They stirred through the ground, searching for their pillow to go back to sleep. When it became clear that the pillow was no where to be seen, [Name] sleepily huffed in annoyance, letting their head freely cone down.

"OOOUUUCH!!" They shrieked, now fully wide awake. [Name] rubbed their head, wincing at the pain as small rocks covered in red fell in their hands. Finally awake and free from the dream world, the teen once again glanced around. Bestowed upon them was an endless horizon of bright greenery. Amidst it was a lake not to far away and to their far right was a forest. Among this scenery,  on top of a small hill and covered in a lone tree's shade, was [Name] and their scattered mess.

[Name] couldn't believe this, they simply couldn't. So in hopes of once again waking up, this time in their actual bedroom, [Name]'s hand pinched their injured head. It became clear to them thst instead of waking up, a painful wave shook their body as they clenched the back of their head. This in fact was not a dream, but the teens dreaded reality.

" Grandpa?!? Grandma?! This isn't funny!! Stop it!"  [Name] bit back tears, glancing around hoping to atleast see one familiar face. When the only answer to their shouting was the distant swaying of the trees, they stumbled back, a choked up sob escaping their throat as they stared away.

[Name] hunched down and curled into a ball as if to protect themself from this unknown world, letting tears stream down as they wailed and sobbed with nature being their only witness. When time continued to pass and nothing changed, [Name] knew something had to be done slowly got up. Like a zombie, they motionlessly stared far ahead into the now rising sunrise, the sting in their eyes slowly fading away.

After some time [Name] sighed, placing the bag against the old bark of the tree and began circling around the tree, collecting its branches and nearby stones. They huffed sorting the branches for the fire and for maybe hunting.


" Son of a bitch" [Name] shudder, the lakes algae slowly tangling around their bare feet as they slowly descend more into the water " The fish here better bleed gold because this is so not worth it." They gulped, the feeling of something slither... They hoped it was algae or fish... [Name] continued  to wonder around the lake, all attempts to catch a fish failing miserably.

From the corner of their eye [Name] noticed once again a dark blob move. They raised their handmade fishing spear, waiting for the moment. They stood still, watching patiently as the animal neared with another by its side and gripped the spear tightly.

The water rippled harshly. With one swift swing [Name] hoped to atleast catch one of the animal duo. They slowly raised the weapon, a proud smile on their face as they stared at the two fish on it " You are... Two very big fish... Which i do not know the names of... Hope you aren't poisonous..."

" Now... Where to put you?" The teen took one look at themself then around them " I didn't really think this through enough..." They huffed, stepping out of the water and to their spot under the tree " On the stick you go..."

" Fire, fire, fire, how to make fire..." [Name] hummed along, rummaging through their stuff in hopes of having something to start up a fire " I could do it in the primitive way but..." [Name] took out their flashlight and a pack of chewing gum. They pulled out a battery from the flashlight then moved onto cutting an hourglass shape from the gums foil.

And I oop-. ( Naruto! Various & Modern! reader ) ( EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now